商务沟通英语ppt 2.ppt

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商务沟通英语ppt 2

Channels within an organization can be further divided into formal and informal ones. Formal channels comprise three kinds of communication---downward, upward, and horizontal. Informal channels refers to what is called “grapevine”, which has been discussed under informal communication in Chapter One. 2.3.4 FEEDBACK Feedback refers to the reaction from the message receiver to the message sender. Feedback can be presented in various forms---verbal or nonverbal, formal or informal positive or negative, etc. POSITIVE FEEDBACK vs. NEGATIVE FEEDBAK Positive feedback (PF) Positive feedback refers to the response which has an encouraging influence upon the sender, which often happens when the message was either in the receiver’s favor or caught his interest. Positive feedback is capable of maximizing the quantity of communication on both sides. MINICASE pp74 (A casual conversation: Henry Man) Actually, a wise message sender won’t be interested in the length of the quality of communication or the range of topics covered. What he is pursuing is the quality of communication, i.e. whether the communication has achieved his intended goal. In the process of communication, PF would be an effective tool in reaching one’s goal. So far as the form of PF is concerned, it may not always take the verbal form; sometimes it is shown in a nonverbal way, like a smile, a raised eyebrow, or some interested eye contact. Therefore, when people are exchanging messages with each other, they should not only focus their attention on the verbal messages, but keep an eye on the nonverbal messages as well. Negative feedback (NF) Negative feedback refers to the corrective reaction from the receiver to the sender. Such a reaction may not be a conscious one from the receiver, more often it is an unconscious one. Sometimes, NF is not very evident. An experienced speaker will not wait until the end to know his audience’s response to his speech. Very often he starts probing t


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