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Business Interview Unit Five Unit Objectives After studying this unit, you should understand the importance and features of note taking in interpreting. find ways to improve your interpreting skills and performance. master the basic words and expressions about business interview. know some cultural background knowledge about business interview. Preparing --Warm-up Exercises You are going to hear a short passage, “How to make a good impression in a job interview?” Listen to the speech carefully and try to note down what you hear. Then reproduce the passage with the aids of your notes. Preparing --Skills Presentation Decoding Training (III): Note Taking I Note Taking—an Aid and an Evil Two Features of Note-taking The Purpose of Note Taking is to Supplement Memory Efficiency. The Notes are Essentially Individual in Character. Preparing --Phrases Interpreting English to Chinese Columnist Resident correspondent Well-informed source Authoritative source Top news Frontnews Exclusive news Reliable news Inside story Box news 专栏作家 常驻记者 消息灵通人士 权威来源 头条新闻 头版新闻 独家新闻 可靠消息 内幕新闻 花边新闻 Preparing --Phrases Interpreting Chinese to English 采访人 被采访人 无可奉告 新闻发布会 现场报道 通讯社 记者证 标题新闻 专题报道 时事 Interviewer Interviewee No comment News briefing Live report News agency Press card Headline news Special report Current affairs Preparing --Sentences Interpreting English to Chinese 您在与中国建立合资企业方面取得了相当大的成功。 我们坚信,健康的贸易伙伴关系是建立良好开端的基础。 谢谢您今天给我们介绍的经验。 您知道,世界已进入信息时代,在这个时代里,电讯为人类的相互作用构造了唯一通用的架构。 我倒很想知道人力资源部经理都有哪些职责? B. Chinese to English Ma


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