商务英语专业实训chapter 13-job-applicationcover__ letters.ppt

商务英语专业实训chapter 13-job-applicationcover__ letters.ppt

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商务英语专业实训chapter 13-job-applicationcover__ letters

Job-application Cover Letters Practical Business English Writing Contents Composing Your Message Lead-in Questions When will you need to write a job-application cover letter? What role does a job-application cover letter play in hunting a job? What information should be included in a job- application cover letter? Importance of a Cover Letter It is the first thing an employer sees, so it’s often the first impression you will make! Explain your experience in a story-like format Allow you to go in-depth about important experiences / skills and relate them to job requirement Show the employer that your are individualizing this job application Provide a sample of your written communication skills Structure of a Cover Letter Sample Study Writing Tips Customize the cover letter for the particular job Indicate your purposes or reasons clearly Give accurate and objective personal information Emphasize what you have to contribute to the company or organization In bold type, highlight your skills that match the job description Use polite words, and expose yourself confidently and optimistically Fix ALL spelling errors and typos Personalize your cover letter. If possible, address your cover letter to the person in charge of interviewing and hiring Reference Expressions Vocabulary for Education 学历 教育程度 主修 副修 课程重点部分 课程包括 专门课程 所学课程 社会实践 业余工作 假期工作 进修课程 课外活动 体育活动 社会活动 娱乐活动 学术活动 Vocabulary for Education 奖励 奖学金 三好学生 优秀团员 优秀干部 学生会 脱产培训 在职培训 学制 学年 学期 校长 / 副校长 院长 / 副院长 教务长 系主任 及格 / 不及格 班长 / 副班长 Vocabulary for Education 学习委员 文娱委员 体育委员 劳动委员 党支部书记 团支部书记 组织委员 宣传委员 学位 研究生 留学生 回国留学生 大学肄业生 公费生 自费生 走读生 实习生 Vocabulary for Personality active adaptable adroit aggressive alert ambitious amiable analytical apprehensive aspiring audacious capable careful candid charitable competent confident Vocabulary for Personality conscientious considerate constructive contemplative cooperative creative dashing


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