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unit 2 Terms (术语);业务范围 Business Lines, Business Scope, Business Activities 国有公司 State-operated/owned Corporation 私营公司 Private-operated/owned Enterprise 价目单 Price List, Quotation Sheet 出口清单 Export List 财务情况 Financial Standing/Status 进口/出口商 Importer/Exporter 博览会 Exposition 商品 Commodities, Articles;be in the market for sth. approach sb. for sth. under separate cover lie within the scope of be suppliable at present upon receipt of establish business relations;Translate the following into English;2.如果你对我们的产品有兴趣,请尽快通知我方。一旦收到你方具体询盘,即寄送报价单和样品。 Please let us know immediately if you are interested in our products. We will send you our price list and samples upon receipt of your specific enquiry. 3.目前我们对各种各样的帽子、手套和袜子感兴趣,如贵公司能寄来商品目录、商品样品和价目表,我们将不胜感谢。 At present, we are interested in all kinds of caps, gloves and socks, and shall be pleased if you send us the catalogue, samples and price list.;uint 2 4.为使你方对我方各种款式的毛毯有一初步了解,今航寄我方目录、价格表和一些样品仅供参考。 In order to give you some idea of various woolen blankets we make, we have pleasure in airmailing you one catalogue, a price list and some samples for your reference.;Terms (术语);敬启者: 感谢你方寄来的商品目录,我们目前对你方的运动鞋感兴趣,如能报我方500打纽约成本加保费和运费的最低价当十分感谢。 如果价格具有竞争性,我们拟向你方大量订货. Dear Sirs, 谨上 Thank you for your catalogues sent to us. we are now interested in your Sport Shoes, and should appreciate it if you would give us the best quotation for 500 dozen CIF New York. If your price is competitive, we intend to place a large order with you. Yours faithfully,;Terms (术语);Translate the following sentences into English;3. 我国对中国低压微波炉的需求很大,请你们对目前能供应的型号向我方报有竞争性价格,非常感谢。 There is a great demand for China-made low-voltage microwave ovens in our country. We would highly appreciate it if you could quote us your competitive prices for types available now. 4. 若产品质量好,价格与我方市场相符,我


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