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Part Two Sample (Questions 18-22) ·You will hear another five recordings. ·For each recording, decide what reason each person gives. ·Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the recording. ·Do not use any letter more than once. ·After you have listened once, replay the recording. ? 18_________________ A. The media advertising appealed to us. 19_________________ B. The company provided a free sample. 20_________________ C. A business contact recommended the company. 21_________________ D. The company had a good reputation. 22_________________ E. The company had a special offer. F. The company was conveniently located. G. The company guaranteed prompt service. H. The company’s price were competitive. Part Two (Questions 12-22)做题 每段录音的语言内容中,都会刻意安插一些干扰信息。避免受到干扰的最好办法,就是不要根据听到的只言片语选择答案,而是要理解各段录音的主要内容,再看哪个选项的核心词能够概括本题录音的主要内容。 Monologue Talk, Report, Lecture… 1 特点:(1)一人独白:目的:说明/说服 (2)要点--考题 2 应对:(1)主动地听 (2)把握说话人的结构: firstly, secondly, finally One, one of, to start with, begin Next, then, besides, and, also, another, in addition, what’s more (3)抓住说话人的要点: a 先扬后抑:but, yet, however… b 直白:最……:the most, the least… 大多数:most, almost, the majority of, main, chief, … 强调:only, unique, sole, just, simply… 不同:different, differ, special, especially, particularly… 重要:important, crucial, essential, vital, what really matters, what is… c 推导: so, thus, therefore, as a result, consequently, accordingly cause, lead to, bring about, come along, follow come from, stand behind, stem from d 比较:not…as, more than, compare with, rather than, instead of, on the other hand Part Two Section One (Questions 13-17) ·You will hear five recordings. Five speakers are talking about the use of technology in recruitment. ·For each recording, decide what recommendation the speaker


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