
black beauty ppt 整合版.pptx

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black beauty ppt 整合版

Black Beauty;Chapter1~3;Chapter1 ;Hounds,said the oldest colt,pricking up his ears. “猎狗,”最大的马驹竖起了耳朵说道。 A hunts man held it up by its leg and everyone was pleased until they saw what was happening by the stream. 猎人拎着它的腿把它提起来了,大家在看到小溪边 这一幕前还很高兴。 A muddy wet rider struggled out of the water but the second rider lay still on the ground. 一个浑身泥泞的骑手挣扎着从水里爬出来,但另一个还躺在地上。 Serve him right.活该。;Chapter2;Breaking me in.驯服我 If only all horses could be treated like this. 要是所有的马都能有这样的待遇就好了。 At Birtwick Park I quickly made two new friends-a sweet grey pony called Merrylegs and Ginger,a chestnut mare with a white flash on her forehead. 在伯特维克庄园里我很快的交到了两个朋友, 一个很可爱的灰色小马叫Merrylegs,还有 Ginger,一只额头有一道白色条纹的栗色母 马。 ;How I longed to run and play in the meadow or stand dozing in the shade of the trees. 我多么渴望在草地上玩耍或是站在树荫里打 盹。 I felt sorry for Ginger,but John was an excellent coachman and he tried hard to cure her of her habit. 我觉得对Ginger很抱歉,但John是个好马车 夫,他尽力地改掉他的习惯。 ;Chapter3;We’re in for a bad night.晚上肯定是坏天气。 We passed soggy meadows and crossed a flooded road where the water came up to my knees.我们过了一片潮湿的草地,又穿过了 一条水能没到膝盖的路。 The trees swayed wildly as the wind tore through them and we were pelted with twigs and leaves.风刮过树摇晃得很厉害,小树枝 和树叶不断的砸到我们身上。 Its ripped-up roots landed right in front of me. 它断裂的树根正好落在我面前。 Get alone there!往前走啊! ;Part4~6;;;;;Part4~6;;;;Chapter7-9;;;;;;;;;Chapter 10 ;;;Chapter 11;;Chapter 12;;Chapter13;;drag 拖 spear 刺伤 posh豪华的 grumble 发牢骚 sob 抽噎 stumble 绊倒 jerk 猛拉 lash 狠狠地打 winded 喘不上气来 unhitch 卸掉,解开 peer 仔细看 skip 雀跃 numb with cold 冻僵了 ; My driver jerked my reins and lashed me with the whip as I slowly moved off. The load was extremely heavy and it was a struggle to pull it,I did my best until we came to Ludgate Hill.There, the hill beat me. 当我缓缓出发时,我的马夫猛拉我的缰绳并用鞭子狠狠地抽打我。要拉载这样极其重的负荷实在不是一件容易的事。我一直尽我最大的努力到我们到达Ludgate的山脚下的时候,那座山真的彻底让我垮掉了。 ;;Author;;Novel contrast;Movie contrast;;


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