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自己在做题中整理的词汇,解释和例句部分是在灵格斯查的,部分是借鉴阅读解析。如有不当之处,欢迎指正。 PART ONE (1)expertise [ 7ekspE5ti:z ] (n.) particular knowledge or skill专门技术 [例] One of the advantages of using an employment agency is that it offers expertise in an area where the employer is not regularly in the market. (2) quiz n.智力竞赛;小测验 vt.考查,盘问 [例]The Cambridge team were too much for the Oxford team in the quiz.?? 在智力竞赛中,剑桥队远胜牛津队。 (3)unrivalled ??adj. 无对手的, 无匹的=unrivaled 例句: The nations biggest computer manufacturer, once an engine of growth and an unrivaled success, said the job cuts and plant closings would cost about$6 billion before taxes, a sum that will be reflected in its bottom line by the end of this year.?? 我国最大的电脑造商,一度曾为带动[经济]成长的火车和无与伦比的成功企业,说裁员及工厂关闭将耗费60亿元——纳税前数字。此一数字将在年终结账的最后项目中显现。 (4)exploit vt.剥削, 利用, 开发, 开拓??n.功绩, 英勇行为 例句: People should read the related regulations before they exploit natural resources.?? 在开发自然资源前,人们应该先了解相关的规定。 (5)revitalising [ri:vait?laizi?] adj. 复活的, 新生的 动词revitalise的现在分词形式=revitalizing(美) 例句: Revitalising wheels and tyres is the first thing a garage will do when putting a car on the forecourt. 更换或清洗车轮及轮胎是维修站将汽车停放在展厅前首先要完成的工作。 (6)controversial a.引起争论的,有争议的 例句: In deference to our host I decided not to challenge his controversial remarks.?? 我出於对主人的尊敬,不对他那易引起争论的话表示异议。 (7)poach vt.(侵入他人地界)偷猎(或捕鱼), 水煮, 侵占, 挖走 例句: A rival firm poached our best computer programmers.?? 我公司的竞争对手把我们最好的计算机程序编制员挖走了。 (8)delicated to 献给 例句: He devoted himself entirely to music. 他将一生奉献给了音乐。 (9)permium prn.加付款;赠品 a.高级的;售价高的 [例]??We will reimburse you (for) the additional premium. (10)alienate vt.使疏远,离间;转让(财产等) The Prime Ministers policy alienated many of her followers.?? 首相的政策使很多拥护她的人疏远了她。 (11)vendor n.自动售货机, 小贩, 卖方, 供货商??=vender 例句: A few militant members of the crowd attacked the vendor.?? 人群中几个好斗的人攻击了那个小贩。 PART TWO AND PART THREE (1)dread??vt.担忧,忧虑;惧怕,不敢 n.担忧,畏惧 例句: I dread to think what will happen if she finds out the truth.?? 我不敢去想她知道真相后会怎么样。 (2)tact n.圆通,机敏,老练 例句: Hes short on tact.?? 他处事不够圆通。 (3)a


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