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TH 辅音+元音 LA [el lei] get into [g? t?ntu] not at all [nɑ t? t?l] get out of here [ge tau tɑv h?r] /r/+元音 your eyes [ju? ra? z] your ability [ju? r? b? l? t?] far away [fɑ r?‘ wei] for a year [f? r? j?r] Bettey bought a bit of better butter. “But”, said she, “this butter is bitter” “If I put it in my batter” “It will make my batter bitter” So, Betty bought a bit of better butter. [?u] o ow oa hope propose coast goal low know flow [au] ou ow about proud lousy outstanding down now cow [??] ear air are ere air stair fair rare share bear wear there [i?] ear eer ea ier beer deer ear idea fierce [u?] oor our poor tour [f] fun fresh laugh refer [v] vest very clever voice review [w] west well with want [?] usually pleasure leisure massage confusion [θ] thank thousand nothing oath [e] than that breathe together There are thirty-three thousand three hundred and thirty-three feathers on that thrush’s throat. [r] rose respect break wrong really [n] person confidence annoy design [l] tell actual lately 语音现象 连读 叠合 失爆 击穿 连读 R 元音+元音 [w] [j] [u]+元音 [i]+元音 Just do it! [d??s du(w)it] stay up [stei j?p] 叠合 辅音+辅音 bad dog some money more rain ripe pear fall leaves big girl 失爆 [b] [p] [d] [t] [k] [g] lap⌒top good⌒time card⌒board [t]+[j]/[d]+[j] [t?] [d?] [s]+[j]/[z]+[j] [?] [?] I miss you! I want you! I need you! as usaul 击穿 H I can handle her. ask her tell her reach him love her BrAm R really China idea purpose T 浊化 鼻音爆破 浊化 元音+T+元音 清晰 浊化 I?talian ?Italy a?ttack ?attic a?tomic ?atom La?tino ?Latin pho?tographer ?photograph 元音+T+[l] little bottle turtle [n]+T+元音 interview [in?rvju:] [int?vju:] center [sen?r] [sent?r winter [win?r] [wint?r] printer [prin?r] [print?r] 鼻音爆破 [tn][dn] written certain mountain eaten stu


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