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Writing School of Foreign Studies 外国语学院 Writing Handwriting Topic sentences Grammar spelling Transitional phrases Contents Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay. You should start your essay with a brief description of the chart and then express your views on the college students’ choice of reading materials. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Sample One Different Characters, Different Preferences According to the pie chart above, it can be concluded that college students have different choices of reading materials. Of all, newspapers are the most important reading material amid 44% of students. 22% of students have preference for magazines. Besides, 18% of students prefer fictions rather than another three kinds of materials. Only textbooks are read by 16%. Nowadays, it’s common that public attitudes towards reading materials vary from person to person. Many people like reading newspapers most because some aspects of incidents on newspapers broaden their horizons and enlarge their knowledge. Moreover, they have access to reading them due to its low price. Last but not the least, Its convenient for them to bring it everywhere and its also energy conservation. In conclusion, different people have different preferences. And we all should make good use of them, no matter what kind of reading materials we choose. Sample Two My Views on the College Students‘ Choice of Reading Materials The above pie chart shows that the largest portion of college students‘ reading materials is newspapers as it takes up 44% ; while college students are not interested in textbooks at all because it comes up to be the lowest, 16% of the whole. In my view, it is reasonable for college students to choose newspapers to read. First, compared with other reading materials, newspapers can help college students learn what is happening in the world every day. Second, newspapers are updating a


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