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  It is the profound implication beneath the surface of this simple and sarcastic drawing that ought to be taken into account/consideration: one who can cope with small tasks first can then undertake something big.(主题句) Taking a look around, we can easily find some students dreaming of their brilliant future but unwilling to attend classes or to do homework; some netizens worried about the fate of our nation but refusing to better themselves first; some officials claiming their determinations in making our society a better place but reluctant to give up parts of their own interests.(举例论证) Part III 写作训练例文赏析 第二段(主体段):分析观点,进行论证 Such phenomena collectively reflect the fact that some modern citizens, especially a number of young people, lack the spirit of “down to earth”. (反映社会现实) This can be chiefly due to the fact that these people are so lazy and blind that they are only in want of a fruitful outcome but never make any efforts.(分析原因) As a famous saying goes, you reap what you sow.(谚语加分) Those who wants to fly but forget the power of the gravity will be sure to fall down on the ground and hurt badly as a result.(阐述后果) Part III 写作训练例文赏析 第二段(主体段):分析观点,进行论证 结尾段: 做出评价/提出建议,展望未来   In conclusion, I suppose it is imperative 势在必行的for us young people to understand that one who can seriously deal with small tasks first can then undertake something big. (结论句) Not only are we supposed to learn knowledge and to enhance our abilities, we also need to take seriously the assignments confronting us. (提出建议) I believe if each of us manages to strengthen himself or herself, the problems worrying us now will be settled in the near future.(展望未来) Part III 写作训练例文赏析 * * * * * 图画作文 Objectives Get some idea about the tendency of CET test Learn skills to deal with new testing forms Know basic strategies adopted in writing based on pictures Be familiar with useful expressions Outline I. 历年真题分析出题新风向 II. 新题型之图画作文写作指南 III. 写作训练例文赏析 IV. 课后练习 Part I 历年真题分析出题新风向 Part I 历年真题分析出题新风向 时间 题目


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