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Script M: Im always thinking about changing jobs, but I know nothing except computers. ?W: There are lots of computer experts around. You need to specialize! ?1.What does the woman suggest the man do? A) The man is no more than an expert. B) The man should quit his current job. C) The man should develop special skills. D) The man isnt qualified for his work. 正确答案为?C??你没有作答。 解析: 音频中女士建议男士要有自己的专攻,要有专业技能(You need to specialize!),所以选C。 Script M: Thanks for a great party! But I have to get up early tomorrow, so I should hit the road soon. W: Oh. Its only 11. How about just one more quick drink? ? 2.What does the man mean? A) He wants to say goodbye to the hostess. B) He asks for one more drink. C) He has an emergency to deal with. D) He is not used to staying up late. 正确答案为?A??你没有作答。 解析: 音频中男士提到他要出发了(I should hit the road soon.),可见他要跟女士道别,所以选A。 Script W: Id love to spend more time with my daughter, but Id miss out on my career if I worked part time. M: Yeah, its tricky. You cant have your cake and eat it too. ?3.What does the man mean? A) The woman should continue her job. B) The woman should take more care of her child. C) The woman cant have things both ways. D) The woman should have a cake and eat it. 正确答案为?C??你没有作答。 解析: 音频中女士说她想要更多的时间陪女儿,又不能放弃自己的事业。男士回答说你不可能两者兼得(You cant have your cake and eat it too),所以选C。 Script M: I hope I will not oversleep. I need to catch the first flight tomorrow. W: If I were you, Id request a wake-up call. ? 4.Where are the man and the woman at the moment? A) In an office. B) At an airport. C) In a hotel. D) At a railway station. 正确答案为?C??你没有作答。 解析: 音频中女士建议男士让人提供叫醒电话(If I were you, Id request a wake-up call)。Wake-up call 是指酒店提供的叫醒电话,可以推断出他们是在酒店里,所以选C。 Script W: You should think about changing your job, Harry. Get a piece of the action! M: Well, I could find a job that pays more, but I would enjoy it less. ?5.What does the man mean? A) He will find a better paid job. B) He enjoys his current job. C) He will consider


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