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Global Staffing Lecture Dr Andrew Jenkins Programme 1. Introduction 2. Structural Change and Staffing 3. Staffing Philosophy 4. Convergence and Divergence 5. Questions and Answers Structural Change and Staffing “Alternative structures and observed trends in organising for international business provide the starting point for most accounts of human resource issues. At the heart of this is the tension between centralisation and decentralisation in managing organisations” (Hendry, 1994) International businesses are attempting to combine the benefits of centralisation and decentralisation Structural Change and Staffing Harris, Brewster and Sparrow (2004) proposed that the degree of internationalisation of a firm could be estimated by the mentality and orientation of its executives. 1. Ethnocentric Staffing Strategic decisions are made at HQ. Subsidiaries have limited autonomy. Key jobs at home and abroad are filled by employees from HQ. Nationals from the parent country rule the firm at home and abroad. Structural Change and Staffing According to Daniels and Radebaugh (1995), “Ethnocentrists overlook national differences and ignore important factors, believe home-country objectives should prevail and think change is easily introduced” 2. Polycentric Staffing Each subsidiary is treated as a distinct entity. Operations are controlled locally but HQ controls key investment decisions and financial targets. Managed by locals but key HQ jobs are taken by staff from parent company. According to Harris, Brewster and Sparrow (2004), this typology relates to the multinational type of organisation Structural Change and Staffing 3.Regiocentric Staffing Staff flow is managed on a regional basis with regional managers having a greater discretion in decision-making. Generally, the movement of staff is restricted to a geographic region. The top jobs are dominated by managers from the parent company. 4. Geocentric Staffing Business strategy is global. Staff promotion is based o


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