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Offensive and defensive strategy in the negotiations 赵雪张怡 罗杨Directory 1Sketch 2Offensive strategy 3Defensive strategy Business negotiation strategy elements Everything has its specificity. This kind of specificity is composed of various factors peculiar regularity. Business negotiation strategy way of regularity including its content goal and key points of the four major aspects. The content of the strategy The goal of the strategy Strategy way The main points of the strategy 1 targeted 2 premeditation 3 timeliness 4 randomness 5 occult 6 artistry 7 comprehensive The features of business negotiation strategy FUNCTIONS Good business negotiation strategy is a bridge to realize the goal of negotiation Business negotiation strategy is a powerful tool to realize the objective of the negotiations Business negotiation strategy is leverage and capital in negotiation Business negotiation strategy has the function of adjusting and stabilizing. Business negotiation strategy has guiding function Offensive strategy Offensive strategy is a strategy that negotiators take a strong attack in the negotiations, and get the negotiation advantage and the dominant strategy. Characteristic:attack initiatively,intransigencia,difficult to compromise. Adjustable built towers The seller raised a starting point higher than the actual requirements of the negotiations, and the opponent to bargain, if the negotiations persist in the end, the negotiations do not rupture, the final harvest will be satisfactory. 成功案例:第一届盈利的奥运会 1984年洛杉矶成功举办23届夏季奥运会,并在奥运史上第一次赢利1.5亿美圆。青年企业家尤伯罗斯谈判策略:吊筑高台,喊价要狠:每个赞助商至少400万,老牌柯达只愿出100万,结果被富士抢了先,就如现在的影响…… Reshuffling When the key problems or is unable to resolve differences with each other, excuse oneself cannot decide, or some other reason, by others to continue negotiations that can make up for their own mistakes, and can take each others energy strength and patience. 有一次,日本一家公司与美国一家公司进行一场许可证贸易谈判。谈判伊始,美方代


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