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Memorial flowers established Church of Our Lady of the Snow. At that time most of the monastery are located in the southern region. People to commemorate the Church of Our Lady of the Snow is established, as a sacrifice to the water lily flowers. 4th century AD, Pope St. Ribet Lisieux dreamed of the Virgin Mary told him the night of August 5, you are in Rome to build a church where it snows. He thus established the Church of Our Lady of the Snow. Monets water lilies, impressionist masterpiece. Monet water lily paintings often older, he drew a lot of water lilies, different colors and also the same picture in a different book, and to copy a great deal of difficulty. 1 representatives of pure white iris; 2 Yellow Iris said Everlasting Friendship, warm and cheerful; 3 Blue Iris is a generous appreciation of the Fang Suya or secret admirers; was also suggested that a representative of the fate of the free and the broken passion, exquisite beauty, but fragile and perishable. .. 4 Purple Iris is a symbol of love, luck and Faiths happiness. 5 Iris Alice (purple blue): Good news, messenger, miss you 6 German Iris (dark navy blue): Holy 7 Small Iris (bright yellow): Third-resist, concentric Oleander (Nerium oleander), also known as ocean or oleander Nerium oleander, oleander is a branch of evergreen shrub or small tree, with ornamental value of herbs. * Water lilies are 5 August birth flower, Another 365 days birth flower versions, water lily flower is born on April 20, the florid lyrical. beautiful words: clean, pure, sexy. According to legend, the water lily is a swamp forest goddess. Its genus name Nymphaea, meaning is the goddess of water. Water lily, the national flower of Egypt The national flower of Algeria, Iris, Oleander Iris is a genus Iris, is a family of herbaceous flowering plants collectively. Freesia, iris, another name: Purple butterflies, blue butterfly, black kite, flat bamboo flowers; Because it’s stems like the ba


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