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Today we want to introduce some interesting festivals at home and abroad. Torch festival(火把节) is yi(彝族), bai(白族), naxi(纳西族), jino(基诺族), lahu (拉祜族)ethnic ancient traditional festivals, has the profound connotation of folk culture, known as the Oriental carnival. Different nations held the torch festival time is different also, mostly in the form of the lunar June 24. The Water-Splashing Festival(泼水节), New Years Day by Dai calendar(傣族历法), will be celebrated(庆祝) in the Jinghong City Proper between April 12 and 18. The grandest festival of the Dai is usually held along with activities such as dragon-boat racing(龙舟赛), sending off skyrockets(流星焰火), and throwing love pouches(抛绣球). It is believed that everyone being splashed at will have good luck. Fairy Festival (仙女节)including Yunnan section along the Nu (怒族)fairy and Tibetan fairy festival. Nu Nationality fairy festival known as Flower Festival(鲜花节), Yunnan Gongshan(贡山) Nu people along regional folk festivals. Every year since(农历) March 15 held the end of seven days to ten. Tibetan Fairy Festival, also known as Tianmu Festival(圣母节). The Maple Syrup Festival is a festival held in Canada each year. It began on April 10,1965 and later has become a tradition. The festival attracts visitors from around the world, including Australia, Europe, Mexico, the United States, and the rest of Canada. Singapore Food Festival(食品节) in New York and the United States the annual traditional festival, but the two different dates, and celebrations form has its own characteristics. To this day, the people of the two countries will make food greet each other.


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