四级词汇串讲 5.19.ppt

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四级词汇串讲 5.19

137. She felt offended at my remarks, but it wasn’t my ______ to hurt her. A) implication B) indication C) intention D) invasion 138. A cool drink ______ me after my long walk. A) renewed B) recreated C) reshaped D) refreshed 139. The new student was very slow to _____ to the unusual rules of the school. A) conform B) suit C) adapt D) adopt 140. The news you told me that day has yet to be _____ . A) confirmed B) conformed C) confronted D) affirmed 141. She seems to regard any advice or help from me as a(n) _____ . A) offense B) impression C) extraction D) interference 142. What struck her was the ______ competition between the two brothers. A) original B) extreme C) intensive D) intense 143. He insisted that his employees should have a ______ knowledge of his study. A) comprehensible B) compromising C) comprehensive D) complicated 144. They reserved in advance to ______ themselves of the best seats. A) ensure B) assure C) confirm D) insure 145. I think the ______ thing to do is phone and ask your boss. A) sensible B) sensory C) sensitive D) sensational 65. Many people lost their jobs during the business ______.  A) desperation B) decrease C) despair D) depression 66. He ______ to study harder in the future so that he could have more opportunities to find a better job. A) resolved B) resorted C) requested D) reserved 67. He gave us a good _____ of his experience. A) demonstration B) frequency C) description D) instruction 68. As a teacher, you should not ______ the students from asking questions in class. A) ruin B) restrain C) import D) impose   69. The rest of the day was entirely at his ______ for reading or recreation. A) dismissal B) survival C) disposal D) arrival 70. In the Chinese household, grandparents and other rela


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