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—幽默翻译赏析;他并无中文难达的新意,需要借英文来讲;所以他说话里嵌的英文字,还比不得嘴里嵌的金牙,因为金牙不仅妆点,尚可使用,只好比牙缝里嵌的肉屑,表示饭菜吃得好,此外全无用处。 The English words inlaid in his speech could not thus be compared with the gold teeth inlaid in one’s mouth, since the gold teeth are not only decorative but functional as well. A better comparison would be with the bits of the meat stuck between the teeth– they show one has had a good meal but are otherwise useless.;上来的汤是凉的,冰淇淋倒是热的;鱼像海军陆战队,已登陆了好几天;肉像潜水艇士兵,会长时期伏在水里;除醋以外,面包、牛油、红酒无一不酸。 The soup was cold,and the ice cream was warm. The fish was like the Marine Corps. It apparently had already been on land for several days; the meat was like submarine sailors,having been submarine already for a long time. Besides the vinegar,the bread,the butter,and the red wine were all sour.;煙織墨香·雨釣詩魂; 他记得《三国演义》里的名言:“妻子如衣服”, 那么衣服也等于妻子;他现在新添了皮外套,损失个把老婆才不放在心上呢。 He remembered the famous saying from the Romance of the Three Kingdoms,“a wife is like a suit of clothes,” and of course clothes also meant the same as wife. He now had himself a new fur coat; the loss of a wife or two wasn’t about to worry him. ;“什么酥小姐、糖小姐会看中他!”周太太并不知道鸿渐认识唐小姐,她因为芝麻酥糖那现成名词,说酥顺口带说了糖。 “What Miss Su or Miss T’ang would ever take a fancy to him!” Mrs. Chou has no idea Hung-chien knew a Miss Tang. Because of a given term Chi-ma su-t’ang( sesame seed bar). The word “t’ang” follows naturally after “su”. ;总结


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