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CET 4 专题辅导之三 短对话篇 四级听力内容与分值 1. 短对话 (Short conversation) (8%) 2. 长对话 (Long conversation) (7%) 4. 听 写 (Dictation) (10%) 3. 短 文 (Passages) (10%) 听力内容(35%): 内容 该部分一般是日常生活中的对话,即衣、食、住、行、工作、学习、生活等话题,场景可分为校园、公共场所、家庭、办公室等方面。 大学英语四级听力组成部分 能力要求: 1、理解主旨大意 2、重要事实和细节 3、隐含意义 4、判断话语的交际功能 5、说话人的观点、态度等。 可能问到的问题 What do we learn from this conversation? What does the man mean? What can be inferred from the conversation? 事实状况 What will the man/woman most probably do? What are the speakers probably going/trying to do? What does the woman suggest doing? 行为活动 What does the woman/ man mean /imply? How does the woman /man feel about...? What does the woman/man think of…? 观点态度 Where is the conversation most probably taking place? Where are the two people? What kind of store is she going to ? 地点场景 谈论话题 身份关系 What are they talking about? What are the speakers talking about? What’s the woman’s job? What most probably is Mary? What is the probable relationship between the (two) speakers? What is the most probable relationship between Jim and Bob? What time did Suzy leave home? How much does one ticket cost? When is the train leaving? 数字信息 学会阅读选项 较短的选择项,可采用扫视法; 较长的选择项,可采用竖读法。 Example?1: A)?Running?.B) Cycling?.C) Fishing?.D) Hunting?. 活动 Example?2: A)?A?double?room B)?A?single?room? C)?A?room?on?the?top?floor? D)A?room?on?the?second?floor.    什么样的房间 阅读选项测试: A: The man enjoys traveling by car. B: The man lives far from the subway. C: The man is good at driving. D: The man used to own a car. A:Tony should continue taking the course B: Tony can choose another science course C: She approves of Tony’s decision D: She can’t meet Tony so early A: The worker had finished loading the truck B: The worker had just started loading the truck C: The w


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