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Computer Science and Application 计算机科学与应用, 2016, 6(2), 65-71 Published Online February 2016 in Hans. /journal/csa /10.12677/csa.2016.62008 Android Reinforcement Scheme Based on the Container Haoliang Cui, Tianchang Yang, Shaozhang Niu Beijing Key Lab of Intelligent Telecommunication Software and Multimedia, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing th nd th Received: Feb. 4 , 2016; accepted: Feb. 22 , 2016; published: Feb. 25 , 2016 Copyright © 2016 by authors and Hans Publishers Inc. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY). /licenses/by/4.0/ Abstract Android which takes up most of the market share of smart mobile open-source platform is facing the increasingly serious security threat. Although the Android system itself provides a set of secu- rity mechanism to protect the safety of the system and application, there is still a security risk. In order to protect the security of the Android smartphone, on the basis of in-depth analysis of An- droid security mechanism, using the safety testing model to classify, collect and isolate the appli- cations, the mechanism of the safe container is formed. It can be effective to protect the Android system, the application and users’ personal data. Keywords Container, Security Context, Feature 基于容器的Android加固方案 崔浩亮,杨天长,牛少彰 北京邮电大学智能通信软件与多媒体北京市重点实验室,北京 收稿日期:2016年2月4 日;录用日期:2016年2月22 日;发布日期:2016年2月25 日 文章引用: 崔浩亮, 杨天长, 牛少彰. 基于容器的Android 加固方案[J]. 计算机科学与应用, 2016, 6(2): 65-71. /10.12677/csa.2016.62008 崔浩亮 等 摘 要 Android作为占用大部分市场份额的智能移动开源平台,正面临着日益严重的安全威胁。虽然Android 系统本身提供了一套安全保护机制来保护系统和应用的安全,但是依然存在着安全风险。为了保护 Android智能手机安全,在深入分析Android系统安全机制的基础上,利用安全检测模型对应用进行分



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