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C语言所有头文件(国外英语资料)Stdlib.h contains many standard functions and standard macro definitions, such as NULL, EXIT_SUCCESS, and so on.Ctype.h contains many types of definitionsString.h contains string manipulation related algorithms.Ctype.hCharacter processing functions: this category function is used to handle individual characters, including character categories, tests, and character case conversions----------------------------------------Character tests for letters and numbers isalnumDoes the letter isalpha?Do you want to control the character iscntrl?Is the number isDigit?Is it possible to display characters (except for space extra) isgraphIs it possible to display characters (including spaces) isprintWhether it is a blank, not letter and numeric display character ispunctIs the space isspace?Do you have capital letters isupper?Whether 16 hexadecimal numbers (0-9, A-F) character isxdigitThe character case conversion function is converted to uppercase toupperConvert to lowercase letter tolowerHeader file local.hRegionalization: the function of this class is used to handle language differences in different countries.----------------------------------------Area control area set up setlocaleDigital format convention query country currency, date, time format conversion localeconvHeader file math.hMathematical function: this category gives a variety of mathematical computing functions, must be reminded of the ANSIThe data format in the C standard does not conform to the IEEE754 standard, but some C language compilers follow IEEE754 (for example, frinklin, C51)----------------------------------------Inverse cosine ACOsInverse sine asinArc tangent atanCut 2 atan2 anywayCosine cosSinusoidal sinTangent TanHyperbolic cosine coshHyperbolic sine SinhHyperbolic tangent tanhExponential function expExponential decomposition function frexpProduct exponential function fdexpNatural logarithm logLog 10 based on log10Floating number decomposition function MODFPower function powSquare root



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