Ping 命令完全讲解:教你如何ping(国外英语资料).doc

Ping 命令完全讲解:教你如何ping(国外英语资料).doc

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Ping 命令完全讲解:教你如何ping(国外英语资料)

Ping 命令完全讲解:教你如何ping(国外英语资料) The Ping command explains exactly how to teach Ping The role of Ping Ping is a special term for submarine personnel, which represents the response of sonar pulses, and Ping is a very useful TCP/IP tool in the network. Its main function is to detect network connectivity and analyze network speed. Ping has a good side and a bad side. Lets talk about the good. As already mentioned, the use of Ping is to check the network along with the situation and analyze the network speed, but what does it show through? First of all, you should understand some parameters of Ping and return information. Here are some of the parameters for PING: Ping [-t] [-a] [-n count] [-l length] [-f] [-i ttl] [-v tos] [-r count] [-s count] [-j computer-list] [-k computer-list] [-w timeout] destination-list | -t Ping specifies the computer until it is interrupted. -a Resolves the address to the computer name. -n count Send count the specified number of ECHO packets. The default value is 4. -l length Sends a ECHO packet containing the amount of data specified by the length. The default is 32 bytes; the maximum is 65527. -f Send the dont fragment flag in the packet. Packets are not segmented by the gateway on the route. -i TTL Set the survival time field to the value specified by ttl. -v TOS Set the service type field to the value specified by tos. -r count The routing of outgoing and returned packets is recorded in the record routing field. Count can specify at least 1 units and up to 9 computers. -s count Specifies the timestamp of the hop count specified by count. -j computer-list Routing packets using the computer list specified by computer-list. A continuous computer can be separated by an intermediate gateway (routing sparse sources), and the maximum number of IP allowed is 9. -k computer-list Routing packets using the computer list specified by computer-list. A continuous computer cannot be separated by an intermediate gateway (routing strict sources), and the maxi


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