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一种构造性的计算理论通用计算——计算通用通用计算:起源于莱布尼(国外英语资料) A constructive computational theory General purpose calculation -- general purpose of calculation General purpose computing: originated from the problem, and then symbolized and digitized all kinds of problems, and then entered the calculation process. Computational universal: everything can be calculated because everything is in the calculation. The difference is simply whether or not the figures are used. Everything is calculated...... Carry the structure through to the end The characteristics of computational science are: constructive, feasible and potentially infinite. However, the research framework of computational theory has the following characteristics: non constructive, non feasible and real infinite. For example, the semantic parts of mathematical logic, such as the stopping problem of computing theory and so on. Posed by the question: is there another possibility to use constructive frameworks to think of constructive computational science?. Review history In order to rethink computational theory, it is necessary to review the history of computational science. The Russell paradox caused third mathematical crises, and went out of Computational Science in the crisis. Cantor diagonal method In 1891, Cantor used diagonal methods to prove that real numbers are countable. Cantor set theory: real infinity. At the time, many mathematicians only admitted that the process of development of the poor was endless, and the infinite was only latent, and it was about development. They do not recognize the infinite integral that has already been completed, such as the set of transfinite sets in set theory. Potential infinity theorists: Gauss, Kronecker, poincare. Russell paradox The barber paradox: there was a barber in a small town. The barber followed the rules: give and give only to those who do not have their hair cut.. Now ask the barber if he is going to have his hair cut. If a barber doesnt give himself a haircut, then hes g


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