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优秀广告作品评析(国外英语资料) Answer: with the social and economic development, advertising has become an integral part of peoples lives. With the improvement of the cultural level of the audience, advertising has become a comprehensive art of language, painting, literature, music, film and television. In the era of rapid development of science and technology, advertising has become ubiquitous. How to make advertising easier to remember, which requires the use of some rhetorical devices, but also reflects the use of advertising in our country. The rapid development of economy, increasingly fierce market competition, advertising competition is self-evident, in order to talent shows itself in numerous advertisements, advertising designers often use some rhetorical devices to make advertising more vivid, enhance the effect of expression of advertising language, so as to give consumers impressed. The common rhetorical methods into 5 types: metaphor, personification, hyperbole, pun, duality, this should be a duality, with dual characters the same structure, the same form, meaning a symmetrical pair of phrases and sentences to express two relative or similar means of rhetoric. The following is the rhetorical art in our advertising language (I) metaphor Metaphor is a rhetorical way of making something more vivid, appealing, appealing and persuasive by using similar points of things to make an analogy. This figure of speech agrees with the advertisement to convey the perfect information in a short period of time, which is very impressive. The following advertising example uses metaphors: Add net skin cream, like mothers hand, gentle still (plus net skin cream), to mothers hand to compare the skin cream, people feel warm and cordial, and produced a strong affinity. The phone is your highway (Baer telephone), Baer phone compared to tell the highway, vivid and vivid description of the Baer telephone is a fast and convenient performance of modern communication tools. To bridge the gap betw


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