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俄官方verwgb(国外英语资料) 1 role attributes HESOYAM = + life, bulletproof vest, 250000 yuan, repair car. BAGUVIX = bullet proof fire (ordinary gun attack is invalid) CVWKXAM = no need to change air when diving VKYPQCF = endurance maximum AEDUWNV = no need to eat NCSGDAG = weapon proficiency is full OGXSDAG = WORSHIPME = highest prestige value VQIMAHA = better driving skills NATURALTALENT = car, plane, motorcycle, JYSDSOD = BUFFMEUP = maximum muscle value BTCDBCB = obesity KVGYZQK = thin EHIBXQS = HELLOLADIES = maximum degree of attraction IAVENJQ = super attack KANGAROO = LFGMHAL = CJPHONEHOME = BMX jumps high and higher SZCMAWO = GOODBYECRUELWORLD = suicide LXGIWYL = general weapon KJKSZPJ = PROFESSIONALSKIT violent weapons UZUMYMW = super weapon FULLCLIP = infinite ammo, for WANRLTW = infinite ammo clip, AEZAKMI = never wanted LJSPQK = BRINGITON = six full. ASNAEB = TURNDOWNTHEHEAT = clear wanted OSRBLHH = TURNUPTHEHEAT = increased two degrees. BMTPWHR = right click on anyone, press G to give it AK47, and join the Gang (press H to place it on standby, press G SJMAHPE = right, aim at anyone, press G to give the 9MM pistol, ZSOXFSQ = right pointing at anyone, press G OUIQDMW = driving can be used at sight 2 weather time AFZLLQLL = PLEASANTLYWARM = cloudless ICIKPYH = TOODAMNHOT = sunny ALNSFMZO = dark clouds AUIFRVQS = rainy CFVFGMJ = fog filled SCOTTISHSUMMER = MGHXYRM = thunderstorm, thunderstorm weather CWJXUOC = sandstorm confused YSOHNUL = time speeded up PPGWJHT = SPEEDITUP = manipulation acceleration LIYOAAY = SLOWITDOWN = manipulation slows down OFVIAC = orange sky at 9 in the evening XJVSNAJ = time fixed in the middle of the night 3 game mode AJLOJYQY = pedestrian golf clubs attack each other BAGOWPG = pedestrians are coming to attack you FOOOXFT = pedestrian armed BLUESUEDESHOES = pedestrians turn into Elvis Presley BGLUAWML = pedestrian rocket attacks on you, only soldiers, cowboys on the road, LIFESABEACH = Beach Party Mode NINJATOWN = AFPHULTL = endure mode BE


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