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俄罗斯的着装(国外英语资料) Look at the clothing market from the Russian concept of dress A Russian dressing habit Russians generally have higher quality, dress neatly, dignified, elegant and harmonious. The winter indoor and outdoor temperature difference, so people are wearing thin dress coat, leather coat or thickened coat; two spring and summer season is a variety of styles and thin coat and coat the world. (1) distinctive ethnic costumes; Russian national costumes are colorful, simple in style and unique in style, and can be roughly divided into two categories: North and south. Southern women in a hand weaving wool skirt with a grid fringe pattern as the representative, and Northern women in traditional dress is covered on the outside of the shirt sleeveless dress, Sara fan, during the holidays or marriage but also wears a brocade and beads decorated with magnificent headdress. Mens clothing is basically neither North nor south, and Russian men usually wear neck collared shirts with embroidered collars and skirts. Specifically, the Russian national dress: men wearing a collar and hem embroidered burlap oblique collar shirt, coat tweed jacket or coat male, wearing white or dyed linen stovepipe pants, with a belt or waist ribbon. Winter jacket, sheep skin short coat or sheepskin coat, pedal boots or leather shoes, wearing a fur hat. The Russian womens national dress: coarse linen shirt wearing a pleated collar, insert shoulder, embroidered shirt collar, tongue, sleeve hypertrophy; southern women often wear woolen dress pants, northern women wore Sara fan (Russian woman not wearing pants); wearing leather shoes or boots; summer wearing a flower scarf, wearing a hat or cap in autumn and winter. In national costume, the ornaments of Russian women mainly include shawls and belts. The shawls have two patterns, triangle and square, with large bright flower patterns on them. In addition to draped over her shoulders, Russian women often wrap their shawls over their heads as scarves.


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