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孔子的父亲叫叔梁纥,他为什么姓孔(国外英语资料) This paper consists ofcontributions DOC documents may experience poor browsing on the WAP side. It is recommended that you first select TXT, or download the source file to the local view. Confuciuss father Shulianghe, why he surnamed hole? This paper from the Confucius and fun from ask 3: questions about Confucius and the Analects of Confucius the 101 interesting problems about Confucius and the Analects of Confucius Bureau Confuciuss father called Shulianghe, his name is the name of Confucius, father and son two people obviously have a structural difference in the name of a named Confucius. And, Qiuxing hole. Name Shulianghes name, but he is a famous name; therefore, uncle Liang He also called Zou people knot; uncle Liang is not a surname, but the word. So, why Confucius named Kong? From the literature shows that Confucius in an array of ancestors to hole is, no surname, Kong from the beginning of Confucius. Confuciuss ancestors surname hole, what name?. Confucius claims to be surnamed Yin people, their ancestors belong to Yin adherents. In the pre Qin period, business week, the two generation, is taking the surname, is surnamed Zhou. But at the time, the woman said the man said no surname, surname. So, Confuciuss ancestors surname, but he 们 的名号中都不冠以子姓. 孔子祖先姓子,孔子本人自然也姓子,这确定无疑.孔子怎么又姓孔呢? 原来,准确地说,孔并不是孔子本人的姓,而是他的氏.古人的姓与氏是分开的,男子 不称姓,称氏.孔子的孔,最初是氏,后来才变成了姓.孔子的孔,作为氏号,也就是孔氏, 又是从哪儿来的呢?古文献中已有明确答案.《孔子家语本姓解》指出:孔子先祖本是宋 国公室成员,传到孔父嘉时, 五世亲尽,别为公族,故后以孔为氏焉 .《阙里文献考》卷 一也说:孔子先祖从弗父何到孔父嘉, 五世亲尽,当别为公族,乃以字为孔氏 .这是说, 孔子先祖弗父何让国后,其子孙仍然属于宋国公室成员,传了五 世,到了孔父嘉的时候,按 照宗法制的规定,五世亲尽,不能再继续列入公室,而是应该别立一族.别立一族,必须有 个族的名号,于是就取孔父嘉的字作为族的名号.孔氏的孔,是从孔父嘉那儿来的,孔是孔 父嘉的字. 孔氏虽然从孔父嘉开始别立一族,但那时男子的名号,称氏,称名,称字,似乎并无一 定之规,所以,孔父嘉以后,孔子的先祖如木金父,祈父,防叔,伯夏,叔梁纥,都不称氏, 其名号中都无孔字.孔氏一系,名号中称氏的,是从孔子开始,其后固定下来,如孔子的儿 子叫孔鲤,孙子叫孔伋,曾孙叫孔白,玄孙叫孔求,等等.后来,氏变成了姓,孔也就由氏 变成了姓. 由于孔子是圣人, 也由于孔 Is a fixed start from Confuciuss, so the direct descendants of Confucius in the late Warring States are in Confucius as their common ances


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