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毕 业 设 计(论文) 题 目: 学位论文原创性声明 ? ? 作者签名: 余波 2016 年5 月12 日 ? ? 学位论文版权使用授权书 本学位论文属于 1、保密 □,在_________年解密后适用本授权书。 2、不保密 □。 (请在以上相应方框内打“√”) 作者签名: 年 月 日 导师签名: 年 月 日 目 录 Abstract 2 1 绪论 3 1.1研究背景 3 1.2研究目的 3 1.3研究意义 4 1.3.1对于消费者的意义 4 1.3.2对于企业的意义 4 1.4 文献综述 5 2 相关理论概述 6 2.1 4Ps营销策略组合 6 2.2 STP理论 7 2.3品牌忠诚度 7 2.3.1品牌忠诚度的定义 7 2.3.2品牌忠诚度的价值 8 3美团外卖发展现状概述 9 3.1 发展现状 9 3.2 市场细分 10 4 美团外卖品牌忠诚度的影响因素——基于4Ps营销组合策略? 10 4.1 产品策略?? 10 4.2 定价策略? 11 4.3 渠道策略 12 4.4 促销策略? 12 5 影响美团外卖品牌忠诚度的不良因素 10 5.1 市场竞争激烈 14 5.2 送餐物流速度不稳定 15 5.3 学生用户占比大 15 5.4 餐饮商户信息化程度低和食品安全问题 15 5.5 烧钱模式面临考验,盈利模式再成课题 15 6 提升美团外卖品牌忠诚度的策略 16 6.1 优化资源配置,增强自身实力 16 6.2 利用大数据技术优化物流配送体系 16 6.3 加强白领市场和家庭市场的推广 17 6.4 加强美团外卖餐饮机构资质的审核 17 6.5 积极探索新的盈利成长点 18 致 谢 19 20 美团外卖品牌忠诚度研究 摘 要 Meituan take-out brand loyalty research Abstract In the first half of 2015 Chinas Internet food take-away market order presents the fast growth, turnover of more than 12 billion yuan. Among them, the Meituan take-away food overall market share of 41.24%, beyond hungry? Become a market top. Online reservation due to its unique convenience and intuitive, are more easily for the modern recognition and acceptance. The catering market is undoubtedly the largest and the most market opportunity, if can do it well on the individual and professional articles, improve customers brand loyalty, will be able to business success. And delivery of brand loyalty generally low on the Internet, the Internet company of vicious competition, cultivate the user free spending habits, although enterprises dominate the market in a short time, but is not conducive to the long-term development of the enterprise. In this paper, by using the theory of 4 ps marketing strategy combination Meituan takeaway the influence factors of brand loyalty are studied. First introduces the development status quo of Meituan take-away and market segmentation; Second from product, price, channel, promotion four aspects respectively, analyzes the influencing



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