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2016届             分类号:                   单位代码 :10452 毕业论文 临沂市传统项目高中篮球运动发展状况        姓 名  (四号楷体GB-2312加粗,以下同)       学 号          年 级          专 业           系 (院)          指导教师  年 月 日 摘 要 篮球是一项大众化普及水平非常高的运动,近些年无论是在全球还是中国都取得了长足的进步。篮球项目在高中学校中的参与度高、受欢迎程度高,高校中的篮球项目极大地推进了学生的身心健康发展。本文以临沂市传统项目学校高中男子篮球队的现任教练员和现役球员为调查对象,以获得临沂市体育传统项目篮球比赛冠军的中学男子篮球队作为个临沂市传统项目学校高中男子篮球队的现状进行调查研究,分析篮球传统项目学校中篮球怎么训练的,都取得了什么样的成绩,怎么处理学习和篮球训练时间冲突问题,做到既能保证成绩又能提高篮球技能的目标为出发点,分析了目前临沂市篮球传统项目学校所存在的问题,从而为临沂市传统篮球运动的发展提供理论依据,并为临沂市青少年篮球后备人才的全面培养、可持续发展提供参考。 关键词:临沂市;高中;传统项目;篮球。 ABSTRACT Basketball is a very high level of popular sports, in recent years, both in the world and China has made great progress. Basketball project in high school in the high degree of participation, the popularity of high, college basketball project has greatly promoted the healthy development of the physical and mental health of students. Based on the traditional project in Linyi city high school basketball team currently coaches and players as the research object, to obtain the Linyi Traditional Sports Basketball Championship high school basketball team as a status quo of Linyi city traditional project school of the high school basketball team for the investigation and analysis of the traditional basketball school basketball training in how to, have what kind of result, how to deal with learning and training time conflict, so as to ensure the performance and improve the skills of basketball as a starting point, analysis of the current existing projects in Linyi basketball traditional school problems, thus it provides theoretical basis for the development of traditional basketball sports in Linyi City, and to provide the reference for the comprehensive training, youth basketball reserve talents of sustainabl


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