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积淀知识 稳扎稳打 提高写作 ——新乐一中 张秀丽 农村学生英语现状:听力 和写作 具体做法: 一 从高一开始抓写作 二 结合一轮复习抓写作 三 上好二轮专题复习的作文课 一 从高一开始抓写作 从高一开始,结合单元话题,根据教学进度及高考模式,采用或更多的情况下是自己编适合于该单元话题的作文。 例如:Book Eight Unit Two 请根据下列信息写一篇有关克隆情况的文章: 支持观点:带来科学突破 治疗疾病 恢复灭绝动物 拯救濒危物种 反对观点:患病 早亡 前功尽弃 使人沮丧,害怕 你的观点: 要求用上本单元的结构: One possible version: With science developing, cloning, a way of making an exact copy of an animal or a plant asexually, is gradually known by all of us. But different people hold different opinions. Some people hold the belief that cloning will undoubtedly lead to breakthrough and cures for some illnesses. Besides, not only can it bring extinct animals back to life but also it can save the endangered species. However, some think otherwise. They are against it, saying that cloned animals easily develop diseases appropriate to much older ones and die young, which means the efforts made by scientists will be in vain, making people cast down and striking fear into their hearts. It’s obvious that plus and drawback always go hand in hand, so we should take cloning seriously. 二 结合一轮复习抓写作 在一轮复习期间,将本组老师分组进行备课,其中 包括编制一篇结合本单元内容的小作文。该部分内 容最好课上进行。例如:Book Four Unit One 三 上好二轮专题复习的作文课 1. 分析要写文章的体裁,时态,和人称(三审)。 2. 构思5-6个要点。 3. 完成5-6个句子,老师板书框架。 4. 口头上连串整篇文章。 5. 复述整篇文章。 6.对比标准答案,感悟彼此的优点。 7.课下整理成篇并再写一篇类似的文章。 8.作文遵循的原则 : 写→改标准作文纸.doc→整合成改错→分享同学的优秀句子(注出学生名字)→听写标准答案→背诵三个好句子。 Words and expressions in the vocabulary from 45 1.Suddenly ________(袭击) by our army, the enemies surrendered. 2.The prisoners made another _______(试图) to escape. 3.While ________(出席) a conference, you shou


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