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Summary Allworthy’s house is described. There is an emphasis on his goodness and generosity. He calls for Mrs. Wilkins to fetch his sister, and he gives the child to her as a present, even though she too condemns(谴责) the mothers shameless actions. Mrs. Wilkins is charged with finding the infants mother. Analysis of Characters Squire Allworthy =all worthy of our admiration thanks to his virtue =an allegorical figure of sorts a wealthy squire with an estate in Somerset, of irreproachable(无可指责) character and good nature, eventually revealed to having unknowingly been Tom Jones uncle Bridget Sister of Squire Allworthy Mrs. Blifil when she married Captain Blifil. The mother of Master Blifil A plain and jealous woman After her death, is revealed to be Tom Jones mother(the little babys mother). Rhetoric Inverted order And now having sent forth Streams of Light,which ascended the blue Firmament before him,as Harbingers preceding his Pomp in the full Blaze of his Majiesty up rose up the sun;(The sun rose,having sent forth streams of lights ahead of him)P246.Pra.1 Parallelism However, what she withheld from the Infant, she bestowed with the utmost Profuseness on the poor unknown Mother, whom she called an impudent Slut, a wanton Hussy, an audacious Harlot , a wicked Jade, a vile Strumpet, with every other Appellation with which the Tongue of Virtue never fails to lash those who bring a Disgrace on the Sex. (P247.Pra3) Squire Allworthy (Benevolent heart) Contrast Bridget (Hypocrisy伪善的) P247.Pra.3 但是,她对这孩子虽然僵旗息鼓,对孩子的妈,那个可人怜、还没人知道姓甚名谁的妈,却大张挞伐,淋漓尽致地狂肆诟署。她叫她不要脸的臭娘儿们,淫乱成性的荡妇,不知羞耻的骚婊子,黑心烂肠的烂污货,下三烂的娼妇,还有一些别的绝妙好辞,凡是讲道理的贤妇淑女,遇到有她们同性别的人给他们丢脸出丑的时候,永远摇唇鼓舌,对之凶狠恶毒地大肆鞭笞。 Satire a way of criticizing a person ,an idea or an institution in which you use humour to show their faults or weakn


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