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“当代大学英语2”课程复习宝典 刘晓悦 综合英语(2)考核重点 8个单元考查拼写的重要词汇 (其中考核10个) Unit1: relevant, efficiently, ignore, burden, refresh Unit2: calculate, disappointed, average, awfully, superior, mechanical Unit3: emergency, identical, ridiculous, mystery, investigate, victim, disprove Unit4: precaution, military, qualification, colleague, obtain, illusion, procedure, register Unit5: statistics, exaggerate, conference, dialect, neutral, incidentally, communicate Unit6: attendant, surgeon, fasten, desperately, collapse, straighten, relief Unit7: navigation, vacuum, satellite, phenomena, correlation, analyze, universe Unit8: persecution, inferior, restriction, campaign, sympathetic, sufficiently 综合英语(2)8个单元重要的词汇及表达法总结: Unit 1: 重点总结 prepare for 为…做准备 be relevant to sth. 与……有关的 an added burden 额外的负担 focus on 关注,以..为焦点 carry on 继续做某事 from time to time 时不时地,有时.. It pays to… 做某事是有益处的 complain about 抱怨 as well 也;还 on one’s own 独自地;独立地 read through sth. 从头到尾读或看…… for now 目前, 眼下;暂时 Paraphrase需要掌握的句子如下: Starting in a new college, or starting on a subject new to you, can be an added burden. It pays to refresh your memory! Many suggestions in this book should make the burden of reading lighter. 翻译需要掌握的句子: 英译中: Two heads are better than one. Students often find it hard to understand some of the books they have to read. 中译英: 这个周末我必须要为考试做准备了. (prepare for) 我认为他的这些话和现在讨论的问题无关. (be relevant to) 最近一段时间的爆炸事件使大众的焦点都集中在伊拉克. (focus attention on) 我们都继续唱歌就好象什么也没发生一样. (carry on) 杰克认为完成这个项目是非常困难的事情. (find it hard to do) 他在报告中也提到了这件事. (as well) 你需要把这篇文章都通读一遍. (read through) 我时常会在校园里看到他. (from time to time) 他从来没有抱怨过加班. (complain about) 今天就到这里吧. (for now) Unit 2: 重点词汇总结 stand still 不动;停止;停滞不前 send for sb. 捎信叫某人来 take sth. apart 拆开或拆散某物 in no time 很快;马上 blank out 成为空白;变得模糊不清;删除 with superior eyes 带着优越或骄傲的目光 be lit up 发亮;闪光 be supposed to 本应该是.. adjust to 调整,使适应 be through with 完成,结束 be good for 对...有益, 能担当 Paraphrase需要掌握的句子如下: It was awfully difficult to read words that stood still ins



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