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阅读 快速阅读 Some people dream of success while others wake up and work hard at it. 當有些人還在夢想成功時,另一些人卻已經醒來努力為之奮鬥了。 Fast reading Fast but Correct Tips 1. 把握主旨,大小标题,开头和结尾。 2. 圈出逻辑词,包括because, so, but , however, yet 等等。 2. 读题,按“线索词”定位答案。 --“上下求索” --注重段落大意。--开头中心句 --如何读懂长句子。 3. 培养根据上下文以及构词法猜测词义。 4. 填空题的处理。-解读题干结构,调整语言形式。 文章主旨的寻找 开头段落--开头段落的第一句,或开头段落的最后一句。--若有转折词,则为转折词后的一句。 文章结尾--结论段--必读段 逻辑词有那些呢? P13 p17 段落中心句和细节的关系。 段落主旨=细节 线索词的寻找 线索词=特征词 数字,人名,地名,修饰语 注意:全文话题词不可以做线索,无从寻觅,到处都是。 定位后的处理 1. 上下求索。 2.词义猜测,可结合本段大意以及构词法。 3. 长句分析 长句分析 题目顺序 找不到怎么办?? 通常题目顺序 和信息先后顺序一致。 此外, 注意同义词的存在。 难点:长句子 When plaque, caused by bad LDL cholesterol, builds up in blood vessels, it can hinder circulation to the brain, depriving it of essential nutrients. 题外话 非谓语动词:现在分词和过去分词 You may ask the lady sitting at the desk. Some of the experiments described in the book are easy to understand. Hearing the knock on the door, they stopped talking. Asked to work overtime that evening, I missed a wonderful film. They stood there, waiting for the bus. The bandits fled into the mountains, pursued by the policemen. The hunters fired, wounding one of the wolves. The boys returned, their face covered with sweat. __________ by the police, the kidnappers had no choice but to surrender. (To be surrounded, Surrounded, Having surrendered, Surrounding) __________ a hot day, they went swimming. (Being , It was ) 3. Electric charges ____ in a circuit can do work. (flowed, flowing, to flow, having flowed) 4. ________ (enter) the room, the messenger collapsed, his face ____ (cover) with sweat. 说说长---句子 1. 因何长? ---非谓语结构 ---定语从句 ---其他从句 ---插入语 2. 拨开云雾见天日 ---去掉从句。 ---看主句。 主句? 找到谓语 怎么找?? 长句子举例分析 One side-effect of taking many prescription and over-the -counter drugs can be a worrisome increase in memory lapses. As you get older, drgus tend to stay in your system for a longer period of time, increasing the likelihood of troublesome interactions. Any drug-related impairment will likely improve as soon as the dr


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