成教版英语二 Unit 7.ppt

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成教版英语二 Unit 7

IV. Fill in the following blanks with modal verbs in their proper forms. Grammar Focus—Exercises You ________ (not) tell a lie again. ________ you mind if I turn off the light? I’m sorry. You ________ have the wrong number. How ________ you say such rude things about him? It’s eight o’clock now. They _______________ be doing their lessons. mustn’t Would must dare should/ought to Grammar Focus—Exercises You ________ (not) reheat (重新加热) the pie. We can eat it cold. The manager said to the man, “If you work well, you ________ have a rise.” Mr. White is on a business trip in the south. He ________ (not) be home now. I ________ stand on my head when I was at school but I ________ (not) now. ______ John swim a mile yet? - No, but he _______________ swim a mile by this time next year. needn’t shall can’t could Can can’t will be able to V. Translate the following sentences into English, using modal auxiliaries as suggested. Grammar Focus—Exercises 他今天不需上课。(need) 昨晚一定下过雨。(must) He needn’t go to school today. It must have rained last night. Grammar Focus—Exercises 杰克现在该到家了。(ought to) 你本来不该做那件事。(should) 他可能忘了给她回电话了。(may) Jack ought to be home by now. You should not have done it. He may have forgotten to call her back. Grammar Focus—Exercises 汤姆也许已经离开巴黎了。(might) 我不敢让父母知道那个消息。(dare) 他们本不应该买下那栋房子。(should) Tom might have left Paris. I dare not (don’t dare to) let my parents know the news. They shouldn’t have bought that house. Grammar Focus—Exercises 如果你能来,我们会非常高兴。(could, would) 你能否把自行车借给我用一下,明天就还?(could) If you could come, we would be much pleased. Could you lend me your bike until tomorrow? Communicative Activities Listening exercise Speaking exercise Communicative Activities—Listening: Task 1 Word Bank Melbourne / 5melbEn/ pay phone phonecard n. 墨尔本 (澳大利亚东南部港市) 投币电话; 公用电话电话卡 Communicative Activities—Listening: Task 1 You will hear five short conversations. Listen and write down your answers to the questions. Questions Answers How does the woman


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