我宛若孤飞的流云 Wordsworth.ppt

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我宛若孤飞的流云 Wordsworth

I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud;Hints: This poem is also titled as The Daffodils. Created in 1804,and published in 1807. It was at the beginning of the spring in north England. Wordsworth was on the way back to home with his younger sister after calling at his friend Clarkson’s ,passing by the Ullwater Lake, they suddenly saw several strains of blooming daffodils by the water. And the farther they went forward, the more daffodils they found. Two years later, This wonderful experience came to Wordsworth’s mind, he produced this poem which is considered the classic of English Romanticism within poetry with the help of his sister Dorothy Wordsworth.;1.Why does the poet compare himself at the beginning of the poem to a lonely cloud? 2.In what way are the daffodils like the milky way? 3.What kind of speech are employed to help express the poet’s deep love for nature?;I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high oer vales and hills, 我像一朵孤独的云儿四处飘荡, 穿过深谷,掠过险峰, ;When all at once I saw a crowd, A host of golden daffodils; Beside the lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. 突然间,我看到了一簇黄灿灿的水仙 它们就在湖边,在浓密的树枝下面, 伴随着阵阵清风, 在水面翩翩起舞。; Continuous as the stars that shine And twinkle on the milky way, 连绵的花朵仿佛夜空中闪烁的星辰, 在银河中眨着眼。 ;They stretched in never-ending line Along the margin of a bay; Ten thousand saw I at a glance, Tossing their heads in sprightly dance. 它们沿着湖岸,向着天际蔓延开去。 在我目所能及的范围内, 有着上万朵水仙花儿,正在欢快的舞蹈中轻晃着她们的小脑袋。 ;The waves beside them danced, but they Outdid the sparkling waves in glee: 湖面在微风下泛起层层涟漪, 但是花儿们的舞姿要远胜过波光粼粼的水面。;A Poet could not but be gay In such a jocund company: 有着如此可人的同伴作陪, 诗人又怎会不快乐呢?;I gazed—and gazed—but little thought What wealth the show to me had brought: 我凝视着眼前的美景, 思忖着, 这场花儿的表演给我带来了怎样的财富。;For oft, when on my couch I lie In vacant or in pensive mood, 当我躺在沙发上, 放空思绪或是凝神细思之时, ; They flash upon that inward eye Which is the bliss of solitude; 那些美丽的水仙花儿常常???在不经意间闯入我的脑海。 这,实属隐居生活的一大幸事,; And then my heart with pleasure fills, And danc


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