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非谓语动词之Ving; 1. is his hobby.(唱歌);2. ____is the best way to lose weight.(做运动);3. __ _______ is a waste of time.(玩电脑游戏);4. __ ______ is dangerous. (开车开得太快);Summary;I like going to the cinema. 表示一般或抽象的多次行为。 You bet! I like to go the cinema with you tonight. 表示具体的或一次性的动作。;It is useless trying to argue with Sherlock.;2.玩电脑游戏是浪费时间;3.形式主语it代替 -ing形式作主语的常见结构: (1)It is +a waste of time doing… 做……是浪费时间的 (2)It is +no (good/ use/ fun)+ doing… 做……没好处、没用、没意思 (3)It is +adj.(funny/ useless/ worth/ worthwhile) +doing sth. 做某事很滑稽/某事无用/是值得的 ;(4) There is no +n.(sense/ point/ use/ chance/ hope/ possibility) (in) doing 做…没有道理/无意义 ,没有用/无机会/无希望/无可能 ;Bobby : youre impossible, Claire. Its a waste of time talking to you. youre so stupid. Dad: Stop upsetting your little sister. Say youre sorry. Bobby: Ok. Clair? Claire: what? Bobby: Im sorry youre stupid. ;二 .动词-ing形式作宾语;;2. 英语中有一些动词短语也常跟动词-ing形式作宾语。常见动词短语有 look forward to, feel like, be/get used to, be accustomed to,be good at, insist on, give up, pay attention to, object to, lead to, get down to, stick to, be devoted to/devote oneself to , be addicted to 等。 ①She has got used to _____ __ ___ ___________. 她已习惯生活在乡下了。 ②He _______ ___ _____ __ in his own way. 他坚持要按照自己的方法做。; 3.在以下结构中, 动词-ing形式作介词的宾语, 介词常省略。 (1)spend. . . ( in ) doing 花费……做某事 (2)have difficulty/trouble ( in ) doing. . . 做……有困难/麻烦 (3)stop/prevent. . . ( from ) doing 阻止……做某事 (4)be busy ( in ) doing 忙于做某事 (5)have a good/hard time ( in ) doing 做某事高兴/费了很大劲 (6)There is no point ( in ) doing 做某事毫无意义;比赛一旦开始,不论喜欢与否,都得继续下去。 不管记住与否,努力打算停止,后悔三个需要。;(1)forget doing sth.    忘记了做过的事 forget to do sth. 忘了要做的事 (2)remember doing sth. 记得做了某事 remember to do sth. 记住要做的事 (3)try to do sth. 努力做某事 try doing sth. 试着做某事 (4)mean to do sth. 打算做某事 mean doing sth. 意味着做某事;(5)regret doing sth. 后悔做过的事 regret to do sth. 遗憾地要去做某事 (6)stop doing sth. 停止做某事 stop to do sth. 停下来去做另


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