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6 career-changing strategies that work 成功转行6大策略 Carolyn Hughes, a vice president at career site SimplyH, puts it bluntly: In this job market, its not at all unusual for a hiring manager to be looking at a pile of 200 resumes for each opening. Some of those candidates are going to have exactly the industry experience theyre looking for. So if yours doesnt, why shouldnt they throw it out? Gulp. 职位搜索网站SimplyH副总裁卡洛琳?休斯坦承:“当前的招聘市场,每个空缺职位都会收到将近200份求职简历,这对于招聘经理来说是司空见惯的事。而且,从业经验与招聘职位对口的求职者也不乏其人。因此,如果你的简历并没有反映这种优势,招聘经理有什么理由不将你淘汰出局?” But wait! Before you throw in the towel on trying to change careers, consider these six tried-and-true methods. One of them, or some combination, might get you where you want to go. 别着急!在宣判跳槽计划失败之前,不妨对以下6项策略仔细斟酌一番。实践证明,这6项策略确实屡试不爽。也许其中的某一招或者其中某几项的组合拳,就可以让你成功实现转行。 Try temping . Since youre at a disadvantage without industry experience, Hughes says, an obvious solution is to get some. Sign on with a temp agency that specializes in the field you want to enter, she suggests. Youll probably have to take a step down in pay, but it gives you the chance to prove yourself. The important thing is to get a foot in the door. 打短工积累经验 :休斯表示,跳槽却不具备期望行业的相关经验,无疑会让自己处于不利境地。最简单的解决办法就是获得相关经验。“签约一家专门从事此领域的临时工服务中介公司,”她建议道。“这样做也许工资会大幅缩水,但是却获得了一个证明自己的机会,何乐而不为呢?最重要的是得先入行。” Hughes knows whereof she speaks. Fifteen years ago, she was selling advertising for a newspaper in southern California, but I saw all these tech companies springing up, and I really wanted to get into one, she says. 休斯的这番话可谓经验之谈。15年前,她在南加利福尼亚州为一家报纸销售广告。但是“目睹科技公司如雨后春笋般涌现,我不禁心生向往,由衷希望能进入这个行业,”她说。 So she researched which temp agencies supplied staffers to tech firms in and around Santa Barbara, quit her newspaper job, and made the move. A series of short-term assignments gave her enough experience to launch her current career in high-tech human resources. 通过调查,休斯找出那些为圣巴巴拉市周边科技公司提供职员的临时工服务中介,之后她辞掉了报社的工作,开始按计划行动。通过从事一系列的短期工作,她积累了足够的经验,最终如愿踏入高科技人力资源领域。 Be ready to talk up your portable skills. What have yo


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