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英语试题 2015.4 第一节 单项填空(共15小题:每小题1分,共15分) 21. How do you feel your test? Well, I’m not that satisfied, _______ I could have done it much better. A. so B. or C. but D. for 22. Did you go to the Temple Fair during this spring festival? I didn’t. I _______ there many times before. A. was B. had been C. has been D. would be 23. Do you feel like this movie? Not really. Honestly, watching TV at home is more _______ my taste. A. with B. of C. for D. to 24. With China growing stronger, Chinese ______ for learning in more and more foreign schools. A. is required B. was required C. is requiring D. will be requiring 25. “All businesses _______ in illegal production, no matter what kind of business they are, will be brought to justice and held accountable”, the minister said to the press. A. to involve B. involving C. involved D. having involved 26. Tom was highly honored for sending an old man to the hospital, _______ leg was badly injured in a traffic accident. A. which B. who C. where D. whose 27. He looks excited. His football team _______ have won the game. A. will B. must C. shall D. should 28. ______ London many times, he has a good knowledge of the city. A. To have visited B. Visited C. Having visited D. To visit 29. Hearing that our class was playing basketball against class 2, the boy had rushed off to the playground _______ I could say anything more A. although B. since C. unless D. before 30. _______ made us excited was that Beijing basketball team won the final over Liaoning in CBA this year. A. What B. Which C. That D. Who 31. People at large do not appreciate what they have until they _______ it. A. have lost B. lost C. had lost D. will lose 32. Will you be free this time tomorrow? I’m afraid not. I _______ an essay that is supposed to be handed in then. A. write B. am writing C. will be writing D. have been writing 33


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