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打呼噜的10大主要原因 There is snoring and there is snoring. If you are towards the gentle end of the heavy breathing spectrum the chances are that you annoy people only infrequently. 这儿有鼾声,那儿也有鼾声!如果你能轻柔地完成呼吸,没有沉重的呼吸声,那么你很少会打扰到别人。 If, however, you are a heavy snorer the likelihood is that the members of your family will become so stressed and tired that they almost want to kill you. 然而,如果你是一个重度鼾症患者,你的家人很可能十分焦虑不安、心力交瘁,乃至于几乎想要杀了你! Face it – life with a snorer in the house is just downright unpleasant. It is not unknown for heavy snorers to be heard half the house away, their heavy, gasping breathing preventing anyone else from getting a good nights sleep. 直面打鼾吧——与打鼾的人生活在一起确实相当令人讨厌。对于打鼾的人来说,半个房子里都能听见他那沉重的喘气声,干扰了所有人的睡眠。 If you snore like this you are probably making life miserable for everyone around you. The more they suffer from interrupted sleep the more likely they are to get annoyed with you. You are also not immune from damage through snoring. 如果你也打鼾,那你就可能让周围的人都过着悲惨的生活。他们所承受的睡眠中断的痛苦越大,就越气恼。当然,你也不可避免地要面临打鼾的危害。 Although you may not wake yourself up through your snoring (although it is not unknown) your sleep will be disturbed and you will not be getting enough rest to recuperate from the strains of the day. 即使你不会被自己吵醒(尽管你知道自己打鼾),你的睡眠质量也会受到干扰,得不到充分的休息,也就难以平复白日的焦虑与紧张。 If this continues for a long time you will be less healthy, prone to viruses and colds and more prone to the effects of work stress. 如果这种情况持续很长一段时间,你的健康就会受损,容易感染病毒、患上感冒,也更有可能受到工作压力的影响。 If you or your loved one spend the night gasping and groaning away to the detriment of your family and each other you may be tempted to try any number of over the counter remedies. It is quite common for the poor snorer to be subjected to all sorts of indignities – throat sprays, nasal strips, silver rings on acupressure points. 如果你或者你的爱人一整个晚上都在打鼾和呻吟,对彼此和家人造成了伤害,那么你也许愿意尝试以下一些非处方药的治疗方法。对于可怜的打鼾者来说,遭受各种“折磨”——咽喉喷雾剂、鼻带和按压穴位的银戒指等都十分普遍。 Some of these remedies will work for some people but there is no one size fits all fix. Snoring happens


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