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* The Asia Popular Music King –Jay Chou 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2008 2011 2006 2010 2005 2005 2007 2010 I have listening his song ten years old, appreciate his music style very much ! 我听周杰伦的歌已经十年了,非常欣赏他的音乐风格! Jay Chou ,a famous musician, music creator, producer, one of the boss of Jewell music company, director. He break through original Asian music theme, form, the integration of music material, create various songs style, especially in the fusion of western and eastern hip hop or RB, is the most famous Chinese pop music Pioneer of Chinese wind. Jay Chou breaks through Asian pop old situation, turning over a new page for the Asian pop music! 周杰伦,著名音乐人、音乐创作家、作曲家、作词人、制作人、杰威尔音乐公司老板之一、导演。他突破原有亚洲音乐的主题、形式,融合多元的音乐素材,创造出多变的歌曲风格,尤以融合中西式曲风的嘻哈或节奏蓝调最为著名,可说是开创华语流行音乐“中国风”的先声。周杰伦的出现打破了亚洲流行乐坛长年停滞不前的局面,为亚洲流行乐坛翻开了新的一页! Who is he? Music style Jay Chous music style is very diversiform. Including traditional Chinese classic, European music style, and American classical rural style, and so on. And he particularly adept at RB and Rap ,and his unique music material, singing skills, issues and Fang Wenshan’s lyrics, and become a strong personal style. British pop star Craig David (Craig David) had been saying: “Jay Chous music has dominated, may even change all the Asian music. 周杰伦的音乐风格十分多样。包括传统的中国风、欧洲古典音乐曲风、美国的乡村曲风等等;尤其擅长节奏蓝调(RB)和饶舌(Rap),加上他独特的音乐素材、歌唱技巧、议题和方文山的歌词,并形成一种强烈的个人风格。英国流行乐明星克雷格·大卫(Craig David)曾于2003年表示:“周杰伦的音乐已经主宰、甚至可能改变亚洲音乐。 Jay Chou mixed Chinese culture music ,western classical music, Jay’s fusion music and popular music together , add creation and unique to music,. Among them, he is good at RB and Chinese classical . using all kinds of instruments to cooperate, presenting on great effect, and make great contribution to his music style of diversity. “ 周杰伦融合中西音乐、古典音乐和流行音乐,以天马行空的创作和独特的唱法,穿梭于音乐之间。其中以 RB和中国风功力最深,加上娴熟运用各种乐器加以配合,呈现出华丽的编曲效果,造就了他多样的音乐曲风 A gold partner –Fang Wenshan When it comes to Jay Chou, We must mentioned another C


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