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机经分类解析 独立写作题型分类 两个大类: 价值判断类 现象证明类 七个专题: 薪水(价值) 选课(价值) 今昔对比与预测(现象) 资源分配(价值) 幸福(价值) 成功(现象) 绝对词(现象) 价值判断类 分析事物的优缺点(问好坏) 单纯的价值判断(should, important, necessary, prefer) University students should be required to take history courses no matter what field they study. 带有明显比较关系的价值判断(better, more…than) People who go outside are more successful and happier than people who stay in villages. 解题方法: 找优缺点(从万金油的角度找优缺点) 拆分举例 万金油 便健经交幸,成环品科国 便利 (convenience) 节省/浪费时间 (save/waste time) 时间灵活 (flexible time schedule) 交通 (public transportation) 休闲娱乐(entertainment/recreation) 购物 (go on a shopping spree) 教育 (education) 医疗 (medical care) 健康和安全 (health and safety) 压力过大 (get stressed out) 缓解压力 (relieve the stress/pressure) 生活习惯 (life style) 体育锻炼 (physical training) 财产安全 (property safety) 经济 (economy/economic/economical) 就业问题 (the problem of unemployment) 工资 (wage/salary/income) 支出 (spending/expenditure/expense) 盈利 (make profits) 旅游 (traveling) 交流 (communication) 交友 (make friends) 人际关系 (interpersonal relationship) 社交圈子 (social circle) 幸福 (happiness) 兴趣 (interests) 亲情 (family love) 友情 (friendship) 爱情 (love) 成功 (success) 成就感 (a sense of accomplishment) 荣誉感 (a sense of honor) 环保 (environmental protection) 生态平衡 (ecological balance) 可持续发展 (sustainable development) 品格 (virtue) 坚忍不拔 (perseverance) 勤奋 (industrious/diligence) 独立 (independence) 团队精神(team spirit) 宽容 (tolerant) 诚实 (honesty/integrity) 科技与教育 (education/training) 获取知识 (acquire knowledge) 科技的发展与创新 (scientific development and innovation) 国家与社会 (nation and society) 思乡情结 (nostalgia/homesickness) 政府声誉 (government’s reputation) 社会福利 (social welfare) 现象证明类 证明现象是否存在(有没有) 解题方法: 找事发原因(从万金由的角度找原因) 拆分举例 找事发原因 Advertisements make products much better than they really are. 1. Exaggerated advertising creates more profits for companies. 2. Designing advertisements is quite an art, always making the advertisements attractive and tempting. 3. Celebrities endorsements account for the exaggeration of advertisements. 拆分举例 Adve


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