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GTG * * * In this exercise, you are going to think of someone you most admire when it comes to dealing with change and adversity, someone who has struggled against great odds. They may have persevered against seemingly insurmountable obstacles and succeeded. Or they, in the end, may not have completely succeeded but along the way showed tremendous courage and other noble qualities. It can be someone from history, someone you know, someone from your family, a celebrity, or someone quite common. So in this first part of the exercise, take a few moments to do some individual silent work, answering these questions (that are also on your worksheets). Repeat Questions Then when you are done taking notes for yourself, take a few minutes to share your thoughts with one or two others. After that, we’ll ask for a few of you to share with the large group your examples of these people you most admire and why you picked them. Are you clear on the exercise? Note: If you need to pick up some time, you can skip having people report out their answers in dyads or triads and go right to reporting out to the large group. [Debrief – you can start off here with an example of your own; best to stick to non-controversial persons; avoid religious leaders in general or political leaders against whom some are likely to have a strong negative reaction. Then ask for a volunteer to share. Ask them to share briefly the name of the person why they picked them, focusing on one or more key qualities that makes that person so admirable. Chart these qualities (e.g., courage, perseverance, humor, compassion, bravery, etc.). If they don’t directly name some admirable qualities, instead listing specific actions or events, probe deeper asking what about that they find admirable.] It’s pretty clear that we all have someone whom we look up to as a role model in dealing head on with change and adversity, people who didn’t just accept the status quo. They mean different things to us for different reasons, and


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