新世纪大学英语3 Unit 5 Why character counts公开课.ppt

新世纪大学英语3 Unit 5 Why character counts公开课.ppt

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新世纪大学英语3 Unit 5 Why character counts公开课

1. To understand why character counts 2. To learn about narration as a writing skill 3. To reflect on character and skills (ability): which is more important? 1. Watch a video clipping named the old woman and the doctor. 2. Learn about the four themes in the passage why character counts. 3. Get more details about each theme (scanning and skimming) 5. Relate characters to our life Leading-in Watch a video clipping the old woman and the doctor from Aesops Fables. What do you think of the doctor? Global Reading_ Part Division of the Text Skimming for specific ideas Theme 1: The bank president’s failing Theme 2: What really matters Skimming for specific ideas 1. Was the bank president still having an affair with that employee? 2. How did the bank president find his path to character? Debate: character or ability 2. What is more important in wars and business, character or ability? Why? Assignment 1. Write a story about Abraham Lincoln (Narration) and comment on his character 参考资料:林肯什么活儿都干,打过短工,当过水手、店员、乡村邮递员。不管干什么,他都非常认真负责,诚实而且守信用。他十几岁时当过村了里杂货店的店员。有一次,一个顾客多付了几分钱,他为了退这几分钱跑了十几里路。还有一次,他发现少给了顾客二两茶叶,就跑了几里路把茶叶送到那人家中。他诚实、好学、谦虚,每到一处,都受到周围人的喜爱。 2. Underline useful words and expressions and share them with the class next time we meet. 厚德上善 Virtue never grows old Text A Why character counts We must remember that intelligence is not enough. Intelligence plus character —that is the true goal of education —— Martin Luther King, Jr. Teaching objectives Teaching procedures The bank president’s failing Text A Why Character Counts What really matters Start at home Improved morale Themes in “Why character counts” Parts Paragraphs Main Ideas 1 1~5 The bank president’s _____ was one of _______. 2 6~13 The author insists that what really matters for success is one’s ________rather than one’s_________. 3 14~22 One can build character at any age with the _________ approach and by ________________. One’s ________ provides a critical measure of one’s


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