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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Language Study 1. v. 推迟,延缓 ? defer (para. 2) to put off; postpone 这个部门推迟了6个月才作决定。 The department deferred the decision for six months. 我们遵从委员会作出的任何决定。 We will defer to whatever the committee decides. ? defer to遵从;听从;顺从(para. 2) Language Study 2. 通道,入口;接近,进入;接近(或进入、享用)的机 ? access (para. 2) 他认为学生应该读到好书。 He claims that students must have access to good books. 那个旅游胜地很容易去。 Access to the resort is quite easy. Language Study 3. 反过来,相反;相反的情况 ? the other way (a)round (para. 3) I think it should go on the other way round. 我想这应该以相反的方式继续下去。 我没有离开你,是你离开了我。 I didn’t leave you. It was the other way round. Language Study 4. vt. 限制,限定 (to; within; in); 制止,禁止 读工作任务条例但不可受其限制。 ?restrict (para. 4) Read your job description but never be restricted by it. 有了小孩往往会限制你的自由。 Having small children tends to restrict your freedom. Language Study 5.从…方面(来说); 根据;按照 ? in terms of (para.4) 他考虑任何事情都从金钱的角度出发。 He thinks of everything in terms of money. 他按照自己的标准评判每一个人。 He judges everyone in terms of his own standards. Language Study 6. vt. 限制 (to; within); 监禁 ? confine (para. 5) 世界的全部前进动力都归功于对现状不满的人们,感到愉快的人必然把自己限制在旧框架之内。 The world owes all its onward impulses to men ill at ease. The happy man inevitably confines himself within ancient limits. It is against reason to define as pseudo-science whatever is beyond the confines of human knowledge. 把任何超越人类知识范畴的事物统统界定为伪科学是没有道理的。 Language Study 7. vt. 1) 捆绑2) 使结合3) 约束4) 装订 ? bind (para. 5) 他们用绳子绑着我的手和脚。 They bound my arms and legs with rope. 海外的共同经历使他们结合在一起。 Their shared experiences overseas helped to bind them together. Language Study 8. 自然地分作,属于 ? fall into sth. (para. 6) 这问题可自然分作三部分。 The subject falls into three parts. 物以类聚,人以群分。 Things of a kind come together; people of a mind fall into a group. Language Study 9. vt. 追踪;追求; 奉行 爱情在追求的时候最热烈,友情是在拥有的时候。 ? pursue (para.6) 如果你决心要拿硕士学位,现在就开始为之准备吧! If you are determined to pursue a master’s degree, just go about pr



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