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6 Translate the sentences into Chinese. 1 There’s nothing comparable to the feeling of power and importance I get when I go shopping. 购物时,那种地位显赫、身价不凡的感觉真是无与伦比。 Lan ?名词翻译:power 和 importance 的意思很难确定,不能用字典上的释义,应从生活中寻找贴切的对应词。人们一般认为,能大把花钱的人一定是有钱有地位的人。 2 Psychologists see shopaholism as an addiction which can benefit from treatment. The symptoms include behaviour which is adapted to avoid reality, a loss of control, an illusion of freedom, or a combination of all three. 心理学家认为,购物痴迷症是购物成瘾,通过治疗可以得到 缓解。它的症状包括逃避现实、行为失控、幻想自由或三者 兼而有之。 Language in Use ?省译:behaviour which is adapted to 在中文译文中可 以省略。词组意译:benefit from treatment 可直译成“从 治疗中获得好处”,但也可以用意译法翻译成更地道的中文。 3 Linda, Kate and Carina are not exceptions. They’re like many women all over the world, all with stories which have a happy beginning but end in despair. And like all addicts on the road to recovery, they take it one day at a time. 琳达、凯特和卡里纳并不是特例,像世界各地的许多女人一 样,她们的故事有一个幸福的开端,却在绝望中结束。像所 有的上瘾者一样,购物成瘾的人需要有足够的耐心才能走完 康复之路。 Language in Use ?语序转换:后一句需调整语序才能译成地道的中文,如: 像……一样,……才能走完康复之路。 4 There are no time limits, there aren’t even any specific objectives, we can just spend the whole day wandering around, trying things on and chatting about nothing in particular. 没有时间的限制,甚至没有特定的目标。我们可以花一整天 的时间逛来逛去,试穿、闲聊。 Language in Use 5 But if he agrees to cooperate, the big advantage in shopping with your boyfriend is that he shows you more affection than usual, and will even want to hold your hand. It’s because he knows no one can shop single-handed. 要是你的男朋友答应陪你逛商场,跟他一起购物是大有好处 的:他会向你表露更多的爱意,甚至想牵着你的手,因为他 知道,谁也不能一个人逛商场。 Language in Use ?动词翻译:cooperate 是抽象词,翻译时应具体化,译为 “答应陪你逛商场”。 7 Translate the sentences into English. 1 一定要先确认把邮票贴牢了,再把信投入信箱。(attach) Make sure the stamp is firmly attached to the letter before you drop it into the mailbox. 2 很多青少年痴迷网络游戏,这会对他们的身心健康造成损 害。(be addicted to) Many youngsters are addicted t


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