新概念2 第60课 课件.ppt

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新概念2 第60课 课件

Lesson 60 The future占卜未来 Fortune-teller Do you believe divination ? [,d?v?ne??(?)n]占卜 Unfamiliar Words 1. fair 集市 2.fortune-teller 算命人 3.tent 帐篷 4.crystal ball 水晶球 5.relation 亲戚 6.impatiently 不耐烦的 Crystal ball 1.Whom did the writer visit at a village fair? 2. What did the fortune- teller do after the writer had given her some money? 3. What did the fortune teller tell the writer? 4. Did what the fortune teller said come true? Study these sentence. Pay close attention to the words in color: If it rains tomorrow we shall stay at home. I shall wait here until he comes As soon as the rain stops, we shall go out. You must finish your dinner before you ___(leave) the table. I will give you the message when he ____(return). 9、Your sister will be here in less than an hour and we must be at the station to meet her. (1)must be表示用现在时态指将来的状况,这句话也可变成: We must go to the station to meet her. must do sth. 对将来或是对现在进行的推测 must be doing sth. 只是对现在的推测 He must be doing his homework now ,现在正在做作业 must have done : 过去情况的推测 He must have done his homework ,for he is playing outside . for引导的是原因状语从句 (2)to meet her为表示目的的不定式。 10、As she walked away, I followed her out of the fair. away adv. 向一边 由away 构成的动词短语: walk away 走开 hurry away 匆匆离开 look away 四处张望 take away 拿走 move away 离开 go away 走开 follow sb. out of 跟着……走出…… follow sb. into 跟着……进入…… They could not follow the lecture. Special Difficulties 由名词+名词构成的复合名词 第一个名词通常起形容词(或修饰语)的作用,而且一般都用单数。 这类复合名词可以代替of结构,如a car key, a chair leg; 也可以理解为第一个名词指地点,第二个词指该地点中的东西,如 a village pub,a world record,a kitchen sink; 也可以表示时间,如a Christmas card,an evening dress,afternoon tea; 也可以表示分类,如a horror film,a flower shop,a taxi-driver; 也可以表示材料,如a fur coat,a gold watch,cigarette ends。 汽车钥匙 椅子腿 乡村酒吧 晚礼服 世界纪录 厨房洗涤槽 圣诞卡 下午茶 恐怖电影


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