新概念2A 第一单元 ppt 课件U1-Linda_comes_to_London.ppt

新概念2A 第一单元 ppt 课件U1-Linda_comes_to_London.ppt

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新概念2A 第一单元 ppt 课件U1-Linda_comes_to_London

Unit 1 Linda comes to London 琳达来到伦敦 New words and expressions23 sit next to Arrivals suitcase Baggage Hall wait for exit come round stand phone come out /′nekst tu/ /′su:tkeis/ /′b?gid? h?:l/ /?′raiv?lz/ /′egzit/ /st?nd/ /sit/ /f?un/ /weit f?:/ /k?m aut/ /k?m raund/ New words and expressions sit next to Arrivals suitcase baggage hall wait for exit come round stand phone come out New words and expressions 1. 到达 arrive ( v. ) arrive at +小地点 arrive at school arrive in +大地点 arrive in Harbin 机场的近港处( n. ) arrivals 2. exit 出口(n.)the arrival exit 进港出口 3. suitcase (n.) 手提箱,皮箱 luggage 行李 a piece of luggage 一件行李 4. phone n. telephone 5. sandwich n. sandwiches 6. armchair n. armchairs 7. TV TVset watch TV 8. Baggage Hall 行李领取处 9. read read a book read newspapers 10. stand v. stand up sit v. sit down 11 等待 wait for I’m waiting for you . 12. come 13. come out 14. listen to Im in the coffee bar next to the Arrivals exit. Im waiting for you, and Im having a cup of coffee. New words and expressions 1.wait不及物动词与介词 for连用 wait for sb 等待某人 Lucy is waiting for her mother 2. phone n. 电话 v. 给…打电话 3.Sandwich n. 三明治 pl. sandwiches 4. Listen 不及物动词与介词to 连用 listen to… I am listening to music. next to… 在…旁边;紧挨着; Suddenly a driver sat down next to him .突然一个司机在他身旁坐下。 The library is on the left , next to the cinema .图书馆就在左边,挨着电影院的地方。 wait for +sb./ sth.… 等待… Don’t wait for me!别等我了! I’m waiting for you.我在等你。 He’s waiting for his suitcase.他在等他的行李箱。 a cup of coffee 一杯咖啡 a+“量”(cup, glass, bag, piece等)+of +名词--------表示某一数量的物质 a glass of water 一杯水 a piece of paper 一张纸 a bag of apples 一袋苹果 2 Match them. a. I’ve got ___ coffee this morning. 1 a cup of b. There is ___ bread in the basket. 2 a bottle of c. There is ___ tea on the shelf. 3 a bowl of d. Is there ___ milk in the fridge? 4 a piece of e. I buy _ chocolate in the supermarket. 5 a packet of f. We n


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