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Lesson 18 He often does this! pub 小酒店 landlord 店主 bill 账单 pub (口语)大众酒吧,酒馆 go round to the pub for a drink 去酒吧喝酒 pub-crawl 在数家酒馆连续喝酒 public house 酒馆 bar 酒吧 wineshop 酒店 inn 客栈,小旅馆 stay at an inn/put up at an inn 住客栈 landlord 主人,老板, 房东(旅馆,家庭,公寓) landlady 女房东,女主人 n. +n.→合成n. silk+worm → silkworm 蚕 blood+test → blood-test 验血 adj.+n. → n. double-dealer两面派 shorthand 速记 v.+n. → n. pickpocket 扒手 breakwater 防波堤 n.+v-ing → n. handwriting 书法 sun-bathing 日光浴 v.+adv. → n. get-together 联欢会 break-through 突破 adv.+n. → n. downfall 垮台 outbreak 爆发 lord as drunk as a lord 酩酊大醉 eg. Lord! 天啊!哎呀!哎哟! lord n. 贵族,勋爵 duke [dju:k] 公爵 marquis [mɑ:kw?s, mɑ:ki:] 侯爵 earl [?:l] 伯爵 viscount [va?,ka?nt] 子爵 baron [b?r?n] 男爵 sir 爵士 lady eg. Lady first. 女士优先。 Ladies and gentlemen 先生们,女士们 (称呼套话) Ladies 女厕所 Listening comprehension Text look for 寻找(过程) eg. I am looking for my bag. look for a job 找工作 find 找到(结果,不能用进行时态) eg. I found my brooch under the sofa. 我是在沙发下面找到胸针的。 find out 发现,找出,搜出(结果) eg. You should find out (the answer) for yourself. 你应该自己找出答案来。 find 发现(有偶然之意) eg. When he woke up, he found himself in hospital. 当他醒来时,发现自己躺在医院里。 leave---left---left 1)? v. 把(人/物)留下,遗留,丢下 eg. May I leave my shoes here? 我能把鞋放在这儿吗? 2)? v. 听任…,使…处于某种状态 leave sth + adj. eg. Don’t leave the door open. 别把门开着。 eg. Better leave it unsaid. 话还是不讲出来的好。 eg. Leave them as they are. 让它们保持原样。 3)? v. 离开 leave some place 离开某个地方 leave for some place 离开去某地 eg. Leave England for a tour of the world. 离开英国去环球旅游。 4) on leave 休假中 beside 在…旁边 eg. Come and sit beside me. 过来坐到我旁边。 besides 除…之外,还有 eg. Besides this photograph, I have a number of others. 除了这张照片外,我还有很多其它的照片。 be beside oneself (乐极)忘形,发狂 beside the point 离题 as 当…时候 1) 随着(表示事态及状况的变化和进展) eg. As she grew older, she became more pessimistic [,pesimistik].? 随着年龄的增长,她变得愈加悲观。 2) 多用于引导“在某行为的发展过程中间发生某事”即“继续中的行为”,所以多与过去进行时连用。 eg, As I was walking down the street , an American asked me for directions to the nearest station. ?? 当我正沿着马路散步时,一位美国人向我询问去最近车站的路怎么走。 give it back to me / return it t


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