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基础状态 Ito电流激活剂(NS5806) Ito增大 稳心颗粒治疗试验性Brugada综合征 基础状态 Ito电流激活剂(NS5806) Ito增大 2位相折返(13/19) 多形性室速 (11/19) 稳心颗粒治疗试验性Brugada综合征 基础状态 Ito电流激活剂(NS5806) 稳心颗粒(5g/L) Ito轻度降低 稳心颗粒治疗试验性Brugada综合征 基础状态 Ito电流激活剂(NS5806) 稳心颗粒(5g/L) Ito轻度降低 抑制60% 2位相折返 抑制50% 多形性室速 稳心颗粒治疗试验性Brugada综合征 基础状态 Ito电流激活剂(NS5806) 稳心颗粒(10g/L) Ito明显降低 100%抑制 2位相折返 多形性室速 稳心颗粒治疗试验性Brugada综合征 基础状态 Ito电流激活剂(NS5806) 稳心颗粒(10g/L) 稳心颗粒治疗试验性Brugada综合征 稳心颗粒机制研究: 国内(1996-2005) 国外(2008):严干新 0 1 2 3 4 峰钠电流 钙电流 钾通道 晚钠电流 阻断Ito电流 国外(2012):Antzelevitch 国外(2013):Antzelevitch 结束语 稳心颗粒三十多年经中外学者大规模、成系统的机制研究与临床应用的,已经成为一项中西医结合、中医药现代化、甚至走向世界的成功典范。 稳心颗粒具备多种抗心律失常的机制,再次证实,中医与西医有着很高的同源性。这也提示中医、中药在抗心律失常治疗领域有着潜力和应用前景。此外,中医、中药在高效治疗心律失常的同时,还有很好的安全性。 稳心颗粒目前的临床应用范围、以及作用机制的探讨仅仅迈出了第一步,其更多的作用机制及可能应用的适应证还待进一步研究。 稳心颗粒治疗心律失常还有更广阔的明天! 谢 谢 Before discussing ST segment elevation in each individual clinical entity, I would like to to briefly review the cellular mechanisms for ST segment elevation and related Repolarization waves on the ECG. Based on biophysical principles of ECG recording, any wave on the body surface ECG represents a coincident voltage gradient generated by cellular electrical activity within the heart. The ST segment is the tracing immediately succeeding the QRS complex that extends until the beginning of the T wave. Normally, the ST segment stays at the same level as the T-P segment. In the two ends of the ST segment, QRS represents ventricular activation, whereas the T wave is the symbol of ventricular repolarization. Ventricular activation normally starts with endocardial depolarization and propagates to the epicardium, generating a large voltage gradient that manifests as the QRS complex on the surface ECG. Because the epicardium normally depolarizes last, the epicardial action potential notch may produce a J wave immediately following the QRS on the surface ECG. Sometimes, the J wave is partially buried inside of the QRS that manifests as J point elevation. It should be emphasized that the J wave



