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THANK YOU It’s my honor to be your teacher 希望所有学生考完都能这样走出考场!!! examination * Listen to the recording and think: 日本鬼节有哪些习俗?与中国清明节有什么相同处和不同? *How often is the festival held? *Do the dead return to their homes on this day? *Is the food laid out for the dead? *Will the living eat the food? *Are lanterns hung outside? *What do people do during the night? *How often is the festival held? A Festival for the Dead is held once a year in Japan. 中国的清明节也是一年一次 *Do the dead return to their homes on this day? On this day, the dead are said to return to their homes. 在中国,人们也认为在清明节时,已故亲人的灵魂会返家 *Is the food laid out for the dead? Food is laid out for them. 中国的清明节也会有贡品贡果,还会烧纸钱 *Will the living eat the food? It is considered unlucky for anyone living to eat it. 中国的清明节时,人们最后会将贡果和酒食吃掉,认为那是得到了已故亲人祝福和保佑的最好的东西 *Are lanterns hung outside? Specially-made lanterns are hung outside each house to help the dead to find their way. 中国人却习惯在正月十五元宵节时点灯笼,但是清明节会放风筝 *What do people do during the night? All night long, people dance and sing. 中国的清明节人们会用扫墓的方式缅怀亲人,却不会用唱歌跳舞表示 Lesson 96 The dead return A _______ for the Dead is held once a year in Japan. This festival is a cheerful _______, for on this day, the dead are said to return to their homes and they are welcomed by the living. As they are expected to be hungry after their long _______, food is laid out for them. Specially-made _______ are hung outside each house to help the dead to find their way. All night long, people dance and sing. In the early morning, the food that had been laid out for the dead is thrown into a river or into the sea as it is __________ unlucky for anyone living to eat it. In towns that are near the sea, the tiny lanterns which had been _____ in the streets the night before, are placed into the water when the festival is over. Thousands of lanterns slowly _______out to sea guiding the dead on their return journey to the other world. This is a moving _______, for crowds of people stand on the shore watching the lanterns drift


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