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Lesson 34 A happy discovery一、单词讲解 New words and expressionsantiquen. 古董,古玩 a piece of furniture, jewel etc. that was made a very long time ago and is therefore valuable)an antique shopan antique dealerantiquated adj. 过时的 (old-fashioned and out of date)an antiquated idea obsolete 过时的,废弃的obsolete weapons武器obsolescent adj.即将过时的an obsolescent style即将过时的款式fascination n. 魅力,迷惑力= the power of fascinating 常与for/over/on连用have fascination for sb固定句势结构--Cats have unfailing fascination for most people.--Chinese Art has great fascination for me. fascinate: attract or interest very strongly 使着迷,常用被动形式--Cats never fail to fascinate human being.--English never fail to fascinate students.fascinated by / with sth--He is fascinated with chess.--The students were fascinated by his idea.Charm比fascinate语气要弱--The beautiful picture charms me.--I am charmed by the beautiful picture.Captivate迷惑,使着迷--His idea captivated me.Enchant使迷惑,用魔法迷惑,使心醉,使喜悦be enchanted by / be enchanted with --She was enchanted by the flower you sent her.Fascinate / charm / captivate / enchant 后接加ing 变成形容词Fascinating / charming / captivating / enchanting--She is a charming girl. --Cats are fascinating animals. --The flowers are enchanting.Winning 吸引人的,主要指物品--The beautiful dresses is winning.forbidding adj. 望而生畏的,望而却步的=having afrightening orunfriendly or danger look. having a unfriendly appearance; threateningeg. Despite her forbidding manners, she’s actually quite a kind person. 尽管她的举止看上去令人畏惧,可实际上是个很善良的人。Eg.He has got a forbidding appearance.Eg.We’d better not visit the forbidding coast.a forbidding look 令人畏惧的眼神a forbidding task 困难的任务a forbidding mountain 险峻的山峰a forbidding appearance 让人胆惧的外表a forbidding eyes 让人畏惧的眼神a forbidding shop 昂贵的让人却步的商场Purple Forbidden City/Forbidden City 紫禁城forbidden fruit 禁果Forbidden zone 禁区Forbid不允许forbid forbade forbiddenforbid sb to sth 禁止某人做某事Forbid sb to do sth --The father forbad his children to touch the clavichord.Forbid doing sth --Smoking is forbidden her


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